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Problem In Insert Opreration


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If I manage to Insert Infomation to medicine table .....the Information go without insert into DateBase Addmedicine.php

<?phpinclude_once("../Include/connectionstring.php");include_once("../Repositories/Medicine.repo.php");if(isset($_POST['btnsubmit'],        $_POST['Id_Medicine'],        $_POST['Medicine_name'],        $_POST['Medicine_Level']))        {    $Idmedicine=intval($_POST['Id_Medicine']);    $MedicineName=strval($_POST['Medicine_name']);    $MedicineLevel=intval($_POST['Medicine_Level']);        $AddMedicine= new MedicineRepo();    $affectedRows=$AddMedicine->AddMedicine($MedicineName,$MedicineLevel);    $isDone = $affectedRows == 1;    if($isDone==TRUE)    $message="Operation Succeeded!";    else    $message="Operation Failed";}else$Message="ALL FIELD ARE REQUIRED";echo $Message;?>
<?phpinclude_once("../include/connectionstring.php");class MedicineRepo{function GetMedicine(){    $dbh=DBClass::GetConnectionString();    $sql="select * from medicine";    $stmt=$dbh->prepare($sql);    $stmt->setFetchMode(PDO::Fetchclass,'Medicine');    $stmt->execute();    return $stmt->fetchAll();    }            function AddMedicine($MedicineName,$MedicineLevel)    {    $dbh=DBClass::GetConnectionString();    $sql="insert into medicine(Medicine_name,Medicine_Level)values(:MedicineName,:MedicineLevel)";    $stmt=$dbh->prepare($sql);    $stmt->bindparm(':MedicineName',$MedicineName,PDO::PARAM_STR);    $stmt->bindparm(':MedicineLevel',$MedicineLevel,PDO::PARAM_INT);    $stmt->execute();    return $stmt->rowcount();    }          function DeleteMedicine($IdMedicine){     $dbh=DBClass::GetConnectionString();     $sql="delete from Medicine where Id_Medicine=:IdMedicine";     $stmt=$dbh->prepare($sql);     $stmt->bindparm(':IdMedicine',$IdMedicine,PDO::PARM_INT);     $stmt->execute();}    }?>



Edited by justsomeguy
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You're saying it doesn't update the database? What happens when you submit the form?


When I submit form ,information is sent but it doesn't insert into DB and doesn't show any message or error......just reload form without data

Edited by hazem
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Are you submitting to the right place? The PHP code you showed doesn't show the form again, it just prints a message. PHP variable names are case-sensitive though, $message is not the same as $Message. If it is refreshing the form then you probably aren't submitting to that PHP page.

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Are you submitting to the right place? The PHP code you showed doesn't show the form again, it just prints a message. PHP variable names are case-sensitive though, $message is not the same as $Message. If it is refreshing the form then you probably aren't submitting to that PHP page.

Is There anything wrong in HTML tags?


<html> <body> <fieldset><legend>Add Medicune</legend> <form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Medicine name: <input type="text" name="Medicine_name"/><br /> Medicine Level: <input type="text" name="Medicine_level"/><br /> <input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" value="Add "/> <input type="reset" name="reset"/> </form> </fieldset> </body></html>

Edited by hazem
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There is no Id_Medicine, the form has no action so it's going to submit to the same page, and Medicine_level is not the same as Medicine_Level. So, the isset function in your PHP code will not return true. You should also remove the enctype unless you are uploading a file.

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There is no Id_Medicine, the form has no action so it's going to submit to the same page, and Medicine_level is not the same as Medicine_Level. So, the isset function in your PHP code will not return true. You should also remove the enctype unless you are uploading a file.


Thank u very much for your reply ....


Id_medicine in DB is auto increment so I want to show Id without ability to insert to DB from User...Can you help me in this matter ?


I Will remove enctype from form tag but I don't know which page will be redirect in action property,,,,,,,

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Id_medicine in DB is auto increment so I want to show Id without ability to insert to DB from User...Can you help me in this matter ?

It doesn't matter how the database is structured, look at this code:
if(isset($_POST['btnsubmit'],        $_POST['Id_Medicine'],        $_POST['Medicine_name'],        $_POST['Medicine_Level']))        {    $Idmedicine=intval($_POST['Id_Medicine']);    $MedicineName=strval($_POST['Medicine_name']);    $MedicineLevel=intval($_POST['Medicine_Level']);
And look at the form:
        <form  method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">            Medicine name:            <input  type="text" name="Medicine_name"/><br />            Medicine Level:            <input type="text" name="Medicine_level"/><br />        <input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" value="Add "/>        <input type="reset" name="reset"/>        </form>
The PHP is checking for $_POST['Id_Medicine'], but the form doesn't have a field called "Id_Medicine". You're also checking for $_POST['Medicine_Level'], but the form doesn't have that name either. So, that isset statement will always be false, because you're checking for things that are not part of the form.
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