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backbone model undefined


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I am getting the familiar backbone model undefined.


I have created a jsbin example here: http://jsbin.com/silajo/15/


In the output pane you will see a calendar....click anywhere so that a popup box appear,enter some data in the input fields.

Till that point everything goes well....the event is displayed in the calendar.


But if I go yo click the newly created event I get in the console


Cannot read property 'isNew' of undefined.


This message appears when the parser tries to run the code at line 88: if (!this.model.isNew()) {


I know what this message I means but I cannot understand why this emitted.


The problem appeared once I updated backbone to the most recent version....1.1.2


I believe it has something to do with binding the view(the view related to popup box) to the model.

This view is defined at 78



P.S I want to add that the problem disappears when I refresh the page

Edited by jimfog
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