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Hello everyone :) I've been wondering about this Sass language, is that usable on the net? it seems that it is very good in limiting the troubles with styling running wild when you have not done it properly in css, like doing every style class in a special order, Sass seems to define every element to be styled alot better, is that right? and should it be used more?


If in the case that it should be used more, maybe you should add a category together with css? both on the forum and maybe on the website itself under the css category?



Edited by DIY-Forum
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Sass is a CSS preprocessor. You write in the Sass language, but before it gets shown on the website it has to go through a compiler or interpreter to transform it into real CSS.


We don't need a forum category for it, you can ask Sass questions in the CSS forum, just like jQuery questions are asked in the Javascript forum. This forum only works if there are people who know the language, if questions about Sass (and its competitor, LESS) aren't answered it's not because a forum with the name on it doesn't exist but because people don't have experience with it.

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