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To draw a animated curve


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HI. I am trying to draw a animated curve. The curve is drawn. But the animation to draw the curve is not correct. please help me how to draw.My code is

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150">Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas><script>var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");var ctx = c.getContext("2d");var c1 = document.getElementById("myCanvas");var ctx1 = c.getContext("2d");var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');var context = canvas.getContext('2d');var amount = 0.5;var amount1 = 0;var amount3 = 0.4;var x = 23;      var y = 22;      var radius = 9;      var startAngle = 7.75* Math.PI;      var endAngle = 0.3 * Math.PI;      var counterClockwise = false;var myVar4 = setInterval(function(){ myTimer4() }, 275);function myTimer4() {    amount3 += 0.05; // change to alter duration    if (amount3 > 1) amount3 = 1;context.beginPath();      context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle*amount3, endAngle, counterClockwise);      context.lineWidth = 1;            context.stroke();}</script>
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Many of your variable names are not very descriptive, like myVar4 and myTimer4. You have redundant variables, c, ctx, c1 and ctx1.


This setInterval(function(){ myTimer4() }, 275) can be substituted with this: setInterval(myTimer4, 275)


I suppose what you want is for the animation to show the arc being drawn. It's a lot to explain, I'll rewrite your code and hopefully you'll see and understand how it works:

// Reference to canvas and contextvar canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');var context = canvas.getContext('2d');// Center of the arcvar centerX = 23;var centerY = 22;// Radius of the arcvar radius = 9;// Start and end angles// If the startAngle is greater than the end angle then your animation is going to play backwards// So make sure startAngle is smaller than endAngle// Remember that 2PI is a full circle, any higher than that and you'll just be drawing over what you had before.var startAngle = 0* Math.PI;var endAngle = 1.5 * Math.PI;var counterClockwise = false;// Amount complete starts at zero, when it reaches 1 the animation endsvar amountComplete = 0;// Amount per frame is the inverse of how many frames you want it to take before the animation is finished// 0.02 is 1/50, so it will take 50 frames to complete the animationvar amountPerFrame = 0.02;// The angular distance between the start and end anglesvar angleSize = endAngle - startAngle;// Begin running the animationvar timer = setInterval(drawArc, 33);// The drawing functionfunction drawArc() {    // Erase everything on the canvas to begin drawing this frame    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);    // Add amountPerFrame to amountComplete    amountComplete += amountPerFrame;        // Get the current angular distance that should be drawn    var drawAngle = amountComplete * angleSize;        // Draw from startAngle to the current frame's amount    context.beginPath();    context.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, startAngle + drawAngle, counterClockwise);    context.lineWidth = 1;    context.stroke();    // Stop the animation when we've reached 100%    if(amountComplete >= 1) {        clearInterval(timer);    }}
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Thanks for the reply. Yes i understood your code. Sorry for asking the question again. Please i want that curve drawing in anti clockwise direction. If thats the condition where some value is to be changed. But please tell me where to change that values.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150">Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas><script>var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');var context = canvas.getContext('2d');var amount3 = 0.4;      var x = 23;      var y = 22;      var radius = 9;      var startAngle = .7* Math.PI;      var endAngle = 2.3 * Math.PI;      var counterClockwise = false;var myVar4 = setInterval(function(){ myTimer4() }, 75);function myTimer4() {    amount3 += 0.05; // change to alter duration    if (amount3 > 1) amount3 = 1;context.beginPath();      context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle*amount3, counterClockwise);      context.lineWidth = 1;      context.stroke();}</script></body></html>

In the above code it is drawing half circle but in clockwise direction. I want the same circle to be drawn in anticlockwise direction.

Edited by gaya
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By switching the values of startAngle and endAngle is drawing a small curve in clockwise direction.


I tried by incrementing the value also. But by incrementing the value it is drawing a circle or the curve is not drawn in animation.

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Thanks for the reply. I got the curve in anticlockwise direction. By switching the values of startAngle and endAngle also by incrementing the startAngle value. Changed the amount3 value too.

<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150">Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas><script>var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');var context = canvas.getContext('2d');var amount3 = .4;var x = 23;var y = 22;var radius = 9;var startAngle = 8.3* Math.PI;var endAngle = .3 * Math.PI;var counterClockwise = false;var myVar4 = setInterval(function(){ myTimer4() }, 125);function myTimer4() {    amount3 += 0.2; // change to alter duration    if (amount3 > 2) amount3 = 2;	context.beginPath();      context.arc(x, y, radius, startAngle*amount3, endAngle, counterClockwise);      context.lineWidth = 1;      context.stroke();}</script></body></html>

It is drawing too fast. I want the animation to draw a little slow. I don't knw whether i have to increase or decrease the value i have give. please tell me what to be changed. Or please give some ideas to draw this curve.

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