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Here's the Deal

Alan Kellogg

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This is what I used. This is what I get (after changing from 3 columns to 2). I have tried pointing out the problem to people at WordPress.org, but they just don't get it. What they find hard to comprehend is that the end of a paragraph is not the end of a column, a column continues on. Only the end of a column is the end of a column, and only then does text continue on in the next column.


Any thoughts?

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You are doing it the wrong way, wrap the paragraphs you wish have in separate columns within a container, like a div, set the container div to allow to be divided into specific number of columns, set the paragraph/s how they want to be displayed either in one column only OR normally to move in to next.


I gave example how to do this in previous topic of yours.

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All you need do is wrap paragraph in a div with specific class, you can then reference that class to apply column css code, then class and child paragraph to apply css coding. Updating theme will not change that, as it stores these within the database, the only change the updating of the theme will make is to update the theme style.css to the original, that is why you should create a custom css file, and then list that under the theme style.css in the header.php theme file, OR install custom css manager plugin, that stores custom css in database, OR create a child theme of original, where you change style.css of child that will never get overwriting when the updates occur on the parent theme.



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