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Dynamic header changes


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Here is what I have right now. I want the page to change the header when the page is reloaded based on what is selected.





If tom = " " and jan = " " and jake= " " then

response.write (" welcome")

ElseIf tom <> " " and jan = " " and jake= " " then

response.write ("hello")






If tom = " " and jan = " " and jake= " " then

SQL statement

ElseIf tom <> " " and jan = " " and jake = " " then

SQL statement

End If








Edited by ahill
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no all of the code is not there. i have a string of code that pulls from my sql so my page posts a table with clickable images that reloads into the same page.

Now I am trying to make my header of the <div> change every time the page reloads with the next selection in the page. Everything on the page works, I just wana make the header change based on the selection of the page when it reloads. I unfortunately cant post the full code because it is for a company.




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