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Uncaught ReferenceError: thruth01 is not defined


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Hello & Thanks ,

I am getting the following error:


Uncaught ReferenceError: thruth01 is not defined

on this statement:

if(cowpie.y > truth01.y && cowpie.y < thruth01.y + 64 || cowpie.y > truth02.y && cowpie.y < thruth02.y + 64 ) {
alert("truth cowpie collision !")


function startGame() {

truth01 = new TargetImages();
truth01.idTag = "truth01";
truth01.x = 0;
truth01.y = 40;
truth01.width = 64;
truth01.height = 64;
truth01.speedX = 1;
truth01.speedY = 0;
truth01.tripsCnt =0;
truth01.visible = true;
truth01.directionX = 1;
lies01 = new TargetImages();
lies01.idTag = "lies01";
lies01.x = 0;
lies01.y = 40;
lies01.width = 64;
lies01.height = 64;
lies01.speedX = 1;
lies01.speedY = 0;
lies01.tripsCnt =0;
lies01.visible = false;
lies01.directionX = 1;

Whole code is here:


<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
canvas {
border:1px solid #d3d3d3;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
#assets {
visibility: hidden;
<body onload="startGame()">
fromWhere= <span id="fromWhere">fromWhere</span><br>
idTag= <span id="idTag">idTag</span><br>
this.idTag= <span id="thisIdTag">this.idTag</span><br>
this.visible= <span id="this.visible"> this.visible</span><br>
this.tripsMax= <span id="this.tripsMax"> this.tripsMax</span><br>
this.tripsCnt= <span id="this.tripsCnt"> this.tripsCnt</span><br>
this.directionX= <span id="this.directionX"> this.directionX</span><br>
this.x= <span id="this.x"> this.x</span><br>
thrower x,y,w,h= <span id="thrower.xywh">thrower.x,y,w,h</span><br>
<div align="center">
<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0"
cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td style="width:70%";><p id="traceMsg">traceLog goes here:</p>
<td style="width:30%";> <canvas id="canvas" width="300" height="300"></canvas>
<div id="assets">
<img id="truth01" src="sprites/truth01.png" width="64" height="64" />
<img id="truth02" src="sprites/truth02.png" width="64" height="64" />
<img id="lies01" src="sprites/lies01.png" width="64" height="64" />
<img id="lies02" src="sprites/lies02.png" width="64" height="64" />
<img id="cowpie" src="sprites/cowpie.png" width="32" height="32" />
<img id="thrower" src="sprites/thrower.png" width="64" height="64" />
<audio id="closeDoor" src="sounds/CloseDoor.ogg"></audio>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var oneTraceLine = ""; var traceYESorNO = false; var updateFor1stTime = 0;
var fromWhere = "fromWhere"; var timesInTripsCk=0; var visible = true;
var thisx=0; var tripsMax=0; priorTripsMax = 0;
var thisIdTag; var thrower_xywh = ""; var resetSpeedX = 2; var z =0;
var idTag = "truth01"; var idTagTh = "thrower"; var firstTimeInCowpieUpdate = true ;
var idTag01 = "truth01"; // prime the pump
var idTag02 = "truth02"; // prime the pump
var idTag03 = "truth03"; // prime the pump
var idTag04 = "truth04"; // prime the pump
// var truth01; var lies01; var truth02; var lies02;
var tripsCnt=0; var directionX=1 ; var addit = 0;
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); // get the canvas
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // create canvas Context;
var allImgsCnt = 0; var idTag = "truth01"; var totalTrips = 0;
var allImgs = [document.getElementById("truth01"),
document.getElementById("lies01"), //,
] ;
var cowpies = [];
var cowpieImg = document.getElementById("cowpie");
var Thrower = function () {
var self = this;
this.idTag = 'thrower';
this.x = (canvas.width / 2) -30;
this.y = canvas.height - 64;
this.width= 64;
this.height = 64;
this.speedX = 2 ;
this.speedY = 0;
this.visible = true;
this.directionX = 9;
this.moveMe = false ;
this.update = function() {
if(self.x < 2 || self.x > (canvas.width -50)) {self.x = (canvas.width / 2) -30; }
self.x = self.x + (self.speedX * self.directionX); // always = +1 or -1 }
self.speedX = resetSpeedX ;
self.moveMe = false ;
thrower = new Thrower();
thrower.idTag ; // = 'thrower';
thrower.x ; // = 0;
thrower.y ; // = canvas.height - 64;
thrower.width ; // = 64;
thrower.height ; // = 64;
thrower.speedX ; // = 1;
thrower.speedY ; // = 0;
thrower.visible ; // = true ;
thrower.directionX ; // = 1;
thrower.moveMe ; // = true ;
var Cowpie = function () {
var self = this;
this.idTag = 'cowpie';
this.idActive = true ;
this.x = thrower.x;
this.y = thrower.y;
this.width= 32;
this.height = 32;
this.speedX = 0;
this.speedY = 3;
this.visible = true;
this.directionY = -1;
this.moveMe = false ;
Cowpie.prototype.update = function() {
var watchi = 0;
if (firstTimeInCowpieUpdate && cowpies.length == 0) {cowpies.push(cowpie = new Cowpie); firstTimeInCowpieUpdate = false;}
for (var i = cowpies.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
watchi = i;
if (cowpies[watchi].idActive) { // alert("cowpie.update " + watchi + " 4 cowpies[watchi].idActive= " + cowpies[watchi].idActive);
cowpies[watchi].y = cowpies[watchi].y+ (cowpies[watchi].speedY * cowpies[watchi].directionY); // always -1 }
ctx.drawImage(cowpieImg, cowpies[watchi].x, cowpies[watchi].y, cowpies[watchi].width, cowpies[watchi].height);
/*out of bounds?*/ if(cowpies[watchi].y < 1) { cowpies[watchi].idActive = false ; } // out of bounds check
/*any collisions ?*/ // collisionCk();
if(cowpie.y > truth01.y && cowpie.y < thruth01.y + 64 || cowpie.y > truth02.y && cowpie.y < thruth02.y + 64 ) {
alert("truth cowpie collision !")
if(cowpie.y > lies01.y && cowpie.y < lies01.y +64 || cowpie.y > lies02.y && cowpie.y < lies02.y +64 ) {
alert("lies cowpie collision !")
if(!cowpies[watchi].idActive) { // alert("cowpie.update " + watchi + " 5 cowpies[watchi].idActive= " + cowpies[watchi].idActive);
cowpieCount = cowpies.length;
cowpie = new Cowpie();
cowpie.idTag = 'cowpie';
function startGame() {
truth01 = new TargetImages();
truth01.idTag = "truth01";
truth01.x = 0;
truth01.y = 40;
truth01.width = 64;
truth01.height = 64;
truth01.speedX = 1;
truth01.speedY = 0;
truth01.tripsCnt =0;
truth01.visible = true;
truth01.directionX = 1;
lies01 = new TargetImages();
lies01.idTag = "lies01";
lies01.x = 0;
lies01.y = 40;
lies01.width = 64;
lies01.height = 64;
lies01.speedX = 1;
lies01.speedY = 0;
lies01.tripsCnt =0;
lies01.visible = false;
lies01.directionX = 1;
var TargetImages = (function () {
function TargetImages() {
this.nameTag = 'truth01'
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.width= 32;
this.height = 32;
this.speedX = 1;
this.speedY = 0;
this.tripsCnt =0;
this.visible = true;
this.directionX = 1;
this.update = function() {
ctx.drawImage(allImgs[allImgsCnt], this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
this.x = this.x + (this.speedX * this.directionX); // always = +1 or -1
document.getElementById("this.x").innerHTML = this.x;
idTag = this.idTag;
if(this.x > canvas.width - 2) {this.directionX = -1; // change direction
this.x = canvas.width - 2;
this.tripsCnt++; totalTrips++;
fromWhere = "(this.x > canvas.width)";
thisIdTag = this.idTag; visible = this.visible; tripsMax = this.tripsMax; tripsCnt = this.tripsCnt; directionX = this.directionX; thisx = this.x;
if(this.x < -64 ) {this.directionX = 1; // change direction
this.x = 0;
this.tripsCnt++; totalTrips++;
fromWhere = "if(this.x < -63 )";
thisIdTag = this.idTag; visible = this.visible; tripsMax = this.tripsMax; tripsCnt = this.tripsCnt; directionX = this.directionX; thisx = this.x;
if(this.tripsCnt > this.tripsMax) {
if(this.idTag == "truth01") {this.speedX = 0; truth01.tripsCnt =0;
// lies01.speedX=1 ; idTag01 = "lies01"; this.visible=false ; lies01.visible=true ;
lies01.speedX=1 ; idTag = "lies01"; this.visible=false ; lies01.visible=true ;
if(this.idTag == "lies01") {this.speedX = 0; lies01.tripsCnt =0;
truth01.speedX=1 ; idTag = "truth01" ; lies01.visible=false ; truth01.visible=true ;
fromWhere = "if(this.tripsCnt > this.tripsMax )";
thisIdTag = this.idTag; visible = this.visible; tripsMax = this.tripsMax; tripsCnt = this.tripsCnt; directionX = this.directionX; thisx = this.x;
// alert('LEAVING TRIPsMAX: truth01.visible= ' + this.visible + ' , lies01.visible= ' + lies01.visible + ' \ntotalTripsCnt= ' + totalTrips);
return TargetImages;
function collisionCk() {
function alertStats() {
document.getElementById("fromWhere").innerHTML = fromWhere;
document.getElementById("idTag").innerHTML = idTag;
document.getElementById("thisIdTag").innerHTML = thisIdTag;
document.getElementById("this.visible").innerHTML = visible;
document.getElementById("this.tripsMax").innerHTML = tripsMax;
document.getElementById("this.tripsCnt").innerHTML = tripsCnt;
document.getElementById("this.directionX").innerHTML = directionX ;
document.getElementById("this.x").innerHTML = thisx;
document.getElementById("thrower.xywh").innerHTML = thrower.x;
function updateGameArea() {
allImgsCnt = 0;
if(idTag == "truth01" && truth01.visible) { truth01.update();
allImgsCnt = 1;
if(idTag == "lies01" && lies01.visible) { lies01.update();
allImgsCnt = 4;
if(thrower.visible) { // alert("thrower.visible");
if(thrower.moveMe) {thrower.update();}
ctx.drawImage(allImgs[allImgsCnt], thrower.x, thrower.y, thrower.width, thrower.height);
thisIdTag = thrower.idTag; visible = this.visible; tripsMax = this.tripsMax;
tripsCnt = this.tripsCnt; directionX = this.directionX; thisx = this.x;
thrower_xywh = (thrower.x +" , "+ thrower.y +" , "+ thrower.width +" , "+ thrower.height);
} // End OF function updateGameArea()
var myGameArea = {
start : function() {
thrower.moveMe = false ;
interval = setInterval(updateGameArea, 5);
// updateGameArea();
clear : function() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
stop : function() {
document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler, false);
document.addEventListener("keyup", keyUpHandler, false);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveHandler, false);
function keyDownHandler(e) {
// alert(" 1 cowpies.length - 1 " + z);
if(e.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 68) { // move right D or --->
thrower.directionX = 9;
thrower.moveMe = true;
if(e.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 65) { // move left A or <---
thrower.directionX = -9;
thrower.moveMe = true;
if(e.keyCode == 87 || event.keyCode == 38) { // shoot = W or upArrow
// alert("if(e.keyCode == 87 ||");
z= 0 ;
cowpies.push(cowpie = new Cowpie); // add cowpie in last position
z = cowpies.length - 1; // put last pie created position into z
// alert(" 2 cowpies.length - 1 " + z);
ctx.drawImage(cowpieImg, cowpies[z].x, cowpies[z].y, cowpies[z].width, cowpies[z].height);
} // END OF for (var i =
function keyUpHandler(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 87) {
rightPressed = false;
else if(e.keyCode == 40 || event.keyCode == 83) {
leftPressed = false;
function mouseMoveHandler(e) {
var relativeX = e.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft;
// if(relativeX > 0 && relativeX < canvas.width) {
// paddleX = relativeX - paddleWidth/2;
// }

I think it has to do with the placement of :

truth01 = new TargetImages();

But I can't figure out where it should go .


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