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How to compare two numbebrs


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First I will have to read a value. Then read first two characters of the value. Then compare the value to see it it is greater than 8. First two characters sometimes can be null, string, alphanumeric or numeric.  

		miless = "2mile(s)"
		myMile = mid(miless,1,2)
		print myMile
		If myMile>8 then
           print "a>b"
		End If

It is always returning true even though first two characters are not numbers or less than 8. How can I do it?

Edited by likecoding
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If you want to read the first 2 characters you can use left:


You're comparing characters and numbers.  When you do that it converts the characters to numbers, and if you look at a character table, "A" is 65 and "a" is 97, so it's never going to be less than 8.  If you want to compare them like numbers then convert the characters to numbers first.  You can use CInt.


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miless = "2mile(s)"
myMile = Left(miless,2)
print myMile
myMile = cint(myMile)
print myMile
If myMile > 8 then
   print "a>b"
End If

first line miless variable can have value like "20 miles, 35 miles, empty, no miles, etc". It works only if first two characters are numeric. 

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I am trying to say that if first two characters are like "2m, 3k", it returns true. I mean it prints "a>b". Instead, it should not print any thing.

First two characters can be numbers or strings. If strings(i.e. 2m, 3k, jj) , it should not print "a>b" at all. If numbers (i.e. 11, 44, 08), then print "a>b" if greater than 8, else do not print.

It should print "a>b" if first two characters are numeric and greater than 8. Else, do nor print "a>b". 

Edited by likecoding
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I am trying to say that if first two characters are like "2m, 3k", it returns true. I mean it prints "a>b". Instead, it should not print any thing.

I can see what it's doing, the code is there.  That's what you're telling it to do.  If you want it to do something else, then you need to tell it to do something else.  If you want to check the 2 characters before you convert them, one option would be to use regular expressions to check if both characters are numbers, or anything else.  VBScript might have some other functions available that can do those kinds of checks also.

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