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three arrays in 1 foreach loop


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I can not fix this script, because the output is not in sync. I have 3 arrays.

1) present column names.

2) prefix (fixed name).

3) suffix (uniqid value).

Can someone explain how exactly I should create a foreach loop in a foreach loop with 3 arrays and fetching the field value from the get_result command as the the value it is related to. This would result in:

<---->Present Column Name <-----> New Column Name

<---->value1 <--------------------------------> value1_abcd

<---->value2 <------------------------------> value2_abcd



      $prefix_arr = array( 'col_a' , 'col_b' ,'col_c' , 'col_d', 
			'col_e'  , 'col_f' , 'col_g' , ) ;
				 $col2 = uniqid();  
				  $suffix = substr($col2, 5, 11);  
		$servername = "localhost";
		$username = "userx";
		$password = "pass12345";
		$dbname = "test_database";  

		$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

		if ($conn->connect_error) {
			die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

			$stmt = $conn->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS	
					FROM table_xyz");
		$res = $stmt->get_result();
				$pres_colname = $res;	
			//	var_dump($prefix_arr);
			 foreach ($prefix_arr as $los_ele){
				 $prefix = $los_ele;
			//	var_dump($prefix); 
			//	var_dump($suffix); 
				$col_new = $prefix."_".$suffix;
				 foreach ($pres_colname as $val){
					 $col = $val['Field'];
			//	var_dump($col);
				 <br><input type="text" value ="
				 <?php echo $col;
				 ?>"><input type="text" value ="<?php echo $col_new;?>">
		 $stmt = $conn->prepare("ALTER TABLE `table_xyz` CHANGE COLUMN `$col` `$col_new` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL;"); 

				$conn->close(); ?>

The complicated thing this time is that I need the exact 'Field' value which is an output of get_result, so I can not fit it in.



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I'm not sure I understand.  What is $prefix_arr, what's the point of it?  If you're trying to get the list of column names and rename them, what's that array for?  You're already getting the column names and you have a suffix, so what do you need the other array for?

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This is what i meant

       $prefix_arr = array('col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c', 'col_d', 'col_e', 'col_f', 'col_g',);

          $col2 = uniqid();
          $suffix = substr($col2, 5, 11);
          $servername = "xxxxxxxx";
          $username = "xxxxxx";
          $password = "xxxxxxxx";
          $dbname = "test_database";

          $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

          if ($conn->connect_error) {
          die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
          } else {
          echo "Connection successful<br>";

          $stmt = $conn->prepare("SHOW COLUMNS FROM table_xyz");

          $res = $stmt->get_result();
          $pres_colname = $res;

          foreach ($pres_colname as $key => $val) {

          $col = $val['Field'];
          $col_new = $prefix_arr[$key] . "_" . $suffix;
          <br><input type="text" value ="<?php echo $col; ?>">
          <input type="text" value ="<?php echo $col_new; ?>">
          $stmtAlter = $conn->prepare("ALTER TABLE `table_xyz` CHANGE COLUMN `$col` `$col_new` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL;");




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