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Sticky headers


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Hello everyone,


I was searching for a technique to make an element on my html page staying at the same place even if we scroll the page.

I found 2 methods :

This one and this one.

What is the difference between these two techniques ? (apart from how it's coded)


Also, I have a problem with these methods : when we scroll down, it stay at the same place  - that's nice -  but the rest of the page goes in front of my sticky element and not behind, like it does on the two methods I mentioned before.


Have anyone an answer to my to questions ?



Thank you in advance,




PS: Sorry for my english, I'm french :s

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If your other elements are using the property position: such as position: relative;( it should not be using position: absolute;) the header and the other element become layered, to combat this you should use the property z-index:. This has the ability to make a element layer lever higher than the next so is has higher precedence over the other elements. Give position: fixed; header z-index: 50; the others z-index: 10; this should fix this problem.

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