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How may I structure my code into separate files?


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I have a work project that has become quite large, and I am now required to separate each object of the code into it's own file. The following code example is how it is structured currently, all in one giant file.
function Main() {
  var main = this;

  this.init = function() {
    // code

  this.keyboard = {
    init: function() { },
    keys: { UP:38, DOWN:40, LEFT:37, RIGHT:39 }
    input: function(e) {
      // functions reference 'main' variable

  this.game_loop = {
    init: function() { },
    on_frame: function() {
        // functions reference 'main' variable


  this.physics = {
    init: function() {
        // functions reference 'main' variable


  var m = new Main();

I have tried separating the objects into their own file's and changing them, for example from:

this.keyboard = { }


Main.prototype.keyboard = { }

However I then no longer have access to the 'main' variable.   Someone has suggested "arrow functions" to me, but I was just confused on how to apply that to my code. I really appreciate anyone who looks at this.

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