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Hi Dsonesuk would that be something like <p><span id="firstlocaiton">My</span>the rest of my paragraph</p> Then where I want to link from: <a href="firstlocation">click here to see the first location</a>

Is this correct?


With a hash at the beginning

	< a href="#firstlocation">click here to see the first location</a>

Obviously these have to be in the same accordian panel to work without JavaScript.


That's the problem. I have the link in another page that needs to go to the accordion file. How can I do that? I've looked at some java script from other sites but it's either for bootstrap or an accordion created using js. 


I looked at the links, but I'm still not sure how that's going to open a panel on another page. I've done what you suggested earlier and it links to the correct page, but does not open the panel.


You use the url to that accordion effect with the bookmark hash

< a href="theurloftheepageyouwanttogoto.html#firstlocation">click here to see the first location</a


paste above code in place of what's here


Now in the address bar add #bookmarkword to the end of url and press enter. This will represent the url with hash link from another page.

Hit run

Change hash to #bookmarkpara

Hit run.

it identifies where the bookmark is! transverses up the parent element containers <p>...</p>, <section>...</section>, <article>...</article> till it reaches a div element, set in the while loop condition. It takes the div elements id and runs the myFunction() using that id as a paremeter.


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