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radio button css

Raz Tibi

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hello there,

 im having a trouble in changing the color of the text when radio button is checked. 

https://www.w3schools.com/howto/tryit.asp?filename=tryhow_css_custom_radio - i copied the try it yourself code from this website,

and i cant seem to understand how can i change the color of the label since its in the container it self,

 every other website use the <input> property and then <label>

so in the css file its written like

input:checked + label{},

yet this solution doesn't apply here,


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The label can be bound to a input using the 'for' attribute to target the inputs id reference. To target the text you must wrap the text in a element such as span, because css cannot target the parent element yet! When the bound label of radio button Or the radio button itself are clicked to will become :checked, then it cascades down to the sibling elements (span) to change the styling.

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