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I have a MySQL database with names  -  when you send a Query with fx Johnson a list is send back with all Johnsons

every Johnson on the list have a blue dot and clicking on one of them creates a popup-window containing the rest of the information on that Johnson  -  that popup-window is on top of everything in the browser-window

Now if you click on another blue dot on the same list the popup-window disapear and can be found behind all windows in the browser showing the "new" info 

How do I get the popup-window to stay on top  -  and how can I make it to show a new popup-window so I can have 2 or 3 popupwindows

here is what my blue dot do

header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); /* HURRA DET VIRKER ! denne linie indsat allerførst :-) */
if (!$connection) {echo "Ingen forbindelse til min MySQL server!"; exit;}

mysql_set_charset('utf8'); /* HURRA  -  og denne linie efter "select connection" :-)  */
if (!$db) { echo "Ingen forbindelse til min database"; exit;}

if ($_GET['Ident']) 
$id = $_GET['Ident'];
$hent = mysql_query("SELECT Noter, Fornavn, Efternavn, Skiftedato FROM Valloe WHERE Ident='$id'");
$vis = mysql_fetch_array($hent); 
$hFornavn = $vis['Fornavn'];
$hEfternavn = $vis['Efternavn'];
$hNoter = $vis['Noter'];
echo "<b>mine notater fra skiftet efter $hFornavn $hEfternavn d. $hSkiftedato:</b><br>";
echo $hNoter;
else { echo "Noter ikke fundet eller ingen Noter"; }

Erik, Denmark




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