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Background image


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Obviously I am a beginner. So, am I crazy or does the instructions for the background image just not work. I have done it as instructed about 20 times and the image does not carry over. Not even the placemark that sometimes comes over when a browser cant find it. Nothing comes over. What am I doing wrong?

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For background in html and css use 

background-image: url(" ");

You can use another properties like background-attachment, background-repeat, background-blend-mode etc along with this.

If there is still query then show me your code.

I hope it'll be helpfull.



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  • 4 weeks later...

You can check below program to change background image.

You can also use various properties for this tag.

      Here title of your website
      background-image: url("image.jpg");


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Can you not go to w3schools.com as in 'schools' where you have tutorials, explanations of using the basics of CSS and LEARN how to do it yourself? So you will then learn why style tags, selectors,  are required and you don't end up with only 'background-image: url("image.jpg");' text on a page.

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