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Hi guys,I was doing some work today and I came across a webpage that used a <base> tag to specify the domain for all relative links. I've never encountered this tag before and I was wondering if I should be using it, as I've never had any issues with relative links anyway. Advice?

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It is not a common element, while it's very handy attribute target is deprecated, and relative urls aren't necessary needed to converted into absolute paths. It can be used when all urls (or most) at that page have an absolute path that is very long, or a path that is relatively to the current folder not the same, then a different absolute path can be handy. You may use this element if you want, it isn't deprecated. But it is not necessary :)If you choose for Xhtml and work in "Transitional", you also may use the target attributealso, to specify all links should be opened in a new window for example. But that is not recommended.

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