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photoshop designing


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helloi wish to design a website in photoshopi made a flat lifeless page, and i want to code it now (sliced) here is a link to the designsite4-2.jpgi have 2 questions1. after i tried to code it in dreamweaver, and uploaded the html file, thats what i gothttp://www.geocities.com/abitdjangoish/site64sliced.htmlwhat exactly is the problem can anyone say?2. i read in another photoshoip topic that desiigning sites in photoshop is badhow bad is it? is it really "banned" or its just a matter of choice and that its used pretty commonly?thank you very much for the answsers

Edited by Jonas
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a.) the first problem is that the images do not seem to be in the correct location relative to the file. According to your source code, site64sliced.html, your file is looking for the images in the "images" folder.b.) whats wrong with using photoshop is that EVERYTHING is an image. Nowadays, maybe not an issue as far as bandwidth goes (although its still wastes alot), but who wants to wait for the images to load, what if I want to copy and paste some of your copy?c.) watch out for copyright laws - you are using images that are copyrighted in your header - you don't want the Shaq to come and track you down, now do you?

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Nice design however Skemcin is right. For people on dialup the process of waiting for the image to load will sometimes turn them away from your site, especially if they want something quick. And yes, watch out for copyright if you have used an image from another place on the web.alzable :)

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To resize the amount of space a jpeg or another format takes its very easy to dochange it.I use adobe photoshop C2 at work.upload an img if it now is 1 mb and you want to make it smaller so it will go faster to load on the internet.press the image text at the upper left corner and go down to image size and press that now you can change alot. choose the dissiered value of the size of the img then go down to a little window with the name Bicubic change it to Bicubic sharpernow the img thouse not look like it lost all detaljs like before and now go to the File link and press save for webb and do some changes in there, and if you did well you could have made the piture about more then 1/10(or even more) of its ordinary size well explore the program it will help alot and its a lot to learn :)And like Skemcin and alzable dont use copyright material. if you need similer stuffs you can make it your self i make my one design :)

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well if you have made a picture your self and and use it on your own homepage and have this content or similar.this page is copyrighted by [name or pagename or company] anyone useing any content from this page are breaking the copyright law. <--- this is 1 thing you can see that the pitcures or similar are copyrighted some adds copyrights into the picture. And then there is alwas someone who photoshops them so the copyrights dissaper :(I have persionaly no desings up on internet yet but will sooner or later when my persional page is done :)if you want to know some very good design tools i can suggestXara X (vectorgrapich) and Adobe Photoshop C2I think you know what Adobe Photoshop C2 but not Xara X :)Xara X are a kinda new program thats only been up for a few yearshere you can find someinformation about itwww.Xara X.com

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well...i was about to post a design of mine, but i just realized my host deleted it cuz i didn't paid my bills! asHUhuashuASHUhuaswell, first, i could not see your page, just a lot of red 'X's.beware, geocities use somekind of unix system, wich is case-sensitive (that means that if your code is trying to show image.GIF, and the file in the folder is image.gif, it will not work)plus, try to learn some HTML at www.w3schools.com, dont be a WYSIWYG slave! lolbelive-me, when you first meet HTML, it'll like addict you

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first of all thanks alotsecond, can i see some of your designs?\how can i find not cpyrightedf pictures and how do i know if a picture is copyrighted or notim just new to this business so...

First: You're welcome.Second: You can see a couple things I have done if you like, just goto iribbit.net and look at a couple of the sites I have listed there.Third: If you did not create the image yourself - assume it is copyrighted. The more obvious "dead give-away" is to understand that any image you have ever seen on TV, in a Magazine, Movie or advertisement is without a doubt copyrighted. I'm not saying that you cannot use copyrighted images - you just have to make sure you have read the respective owner's "terms of use". However, you should expect that many of them will not allow you to use it. If, at the very least, you decided to NOT research the matter, then you only thing you can do to remotely cover your a$$ is to make sure you mention something (like in the footer) that says image xxxxxx is a copyright of xxxxxx. You can see that I have done this (with respect to Chevrolet and Corvette) in the footer on http://www.corvettecollection.com (side note - please no one tear that site up - its 3 years old and will not validate - I didn't know then what i do now).All in all - assume everything is copyrighted. If you want free images, then google "free stock photography" and or read up on the difference between "rights managed" and "royalty free" images.Good luck.
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