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"Stop" Command


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I have this code to check if a variable has been entered into the querystring and to display an error message if there isn't any

if request.querystring("tblname")<>"" then   tblname=request.querystring("tblname")else   Response.Write "Error!!!"   Response.End end if

the remainder of my code contains html elements that i don't want displayed if the error conditions is triggered, is there any way i can just cause the "Error!!!" message to diaplay only?

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Do you have buffering on? I don't think that would make a difference, but I guess it might. Response.End has always stopped execution for me though, I'm not sure what else to say. If it writes out the error message, and you know that Response.end is actually being executed and not working, then I don't know what the problem could be. All I can think of is that it is not getting executed. What if you put another Response.End after the end if statement?

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if you meant changing the code to

if request.querystring("tblname")<>"" then   tblname=request.querystring("tblname")else   Response.Write "Error!!!"   Response.End() end ifResponse.End()

now it stops everything from being shown, whether the error statement has been triggered or notOn a related note, does Response.End affect only asp codes or both asp & html codes?

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Response.End ends the response. The response is what the web server sends to the browser. So when you invoke response.end, the response that goes to the browser stops at that point. Or, if buffering is on, the building of the response ends and the response gets sent at that point.It would probably be helpful if you posted all of your code, or at least the 10-20 lines both before and after the IF statement.

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here it is

<html><style type="text/css"><!--#Layer1 {	position:absolute;	width:172px;	height:21px;	z-index:1;	left: 12px;	top: 51px;}--></style><body><h1 align="center">Class <%=Request.Querystring("tblname")%></h1><div id="Layer1"><a href="/subjects.asp" target="_blank">What Do These Mean?</a></div><table border="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#fff5ee"><tr><th align="left" width=20% bgcolor="#b0c4de"><a href="displayhw.asp?tblname=<%=Request.Querystring("tblname")%>&sort=SubCode&ordering=ASC">Subject Code</a></th><th align="left" width=12% bgcolor="#b0c4de"><a href="displayhw.asp?tblname=<%=Request.Querystring("tblname")%>&sort=DateGiven&ordering=DESC">Date Given</a></th><th align="left" width=12% bgcolor="#b0c4de"><a href="displayhw.asp?tblname=<%=Request.Querystring("tblname")%>&sort=DateDue&ordering=DESC">Date Due</a></th><th align="left" bgcolor="#b0c4de">Information</th></tr><%if request.querystring("tblname")<>"" then   tblname=request.querystring("tblname")else   Response.Write "<h1>Error!!! Please choose a class first</h1>"   Response.End()end ifif request.querystring("sort")<>"" then   sort=request.querystring("sort")else   sort="DateGiven"end ifif request.querystring("ordering")<>"" then   ordering=request.querystring("ordering")else   ordering="DESC"end ifset conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.Mappath("/database.mdb"))set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")sql="SELECT Subcode, DateGiven, DateDue, Information FROM " & tblname & " Order BY " & sort & " " & ordering & ""rs.Open sql,conndo until rs.EOF   response.write("<tr>")   for each x in rs.Fields     response.write("<td>" & x.value & "</td>")   next   rs.MoveNext   response.write("</tr>")looprs.closeconn.close%></table></body></html>

so what i get if the error msg is triggered is (manually triggered error condition and went to view->source)

<html><style type="text/css"><!--#Layer1 {	position:absolute;	width:172px;	height:21px;	z-index:1;	left: 12px;	top: 51px;}--></style><body><h1 align="center">Class </h1><div id="Layer1"><a href="/subjects.asp" target="_blank">What Do These Mean?</a></div><table border="1" width="100%" bgcolor="#fff5ee"><tr><th align="left" width=20% bgcolor="#b0c4de"><a href="displayhw.asp?tblname=&sort=SubCode&ordering=ASC">Subject Code</a></th><th align="left" width=12% bgcolor="#b0c4de"><a href="displayhw.asp?tblname=&sort=DateGiven&ordering=DESC">Date Given</a></th><th align="left" width=12% bgcolor="#b0c4de"><a href="displayhw.asp?tblname=&sort=DateDue&ordering=DESC">Date Due</a></th><th align="left" bgcolor="#b0c4de">Information</th></tr><h1>Error!!! Please choose a class first</h1>

despite what the html says, the error msg appears above the table, dunno y source is like this,on hindsight could it have something to do with the positioning (from top to down) of the error segment of my code?

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Oooooh, ok. It's an HTML issue then. The HTML is invalid. The error message is not actually in the table, and most browsers will display that type of thing above the table. You probably want to do this:Response.Write "<tr><td colspan='3'><h1>Error!!! Please choose a class first</h1></td></tr></table></body></html>"That will put the message inside the table structure, and then close the rest of the page before it quits.Also, put the style tag in a <head> section.

<html>  <head>    <title>page title</title>    <style>...    </style>  </head>  <body>...

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hmm i seemed to have solved the prob all i did was to shift the

if request.querystring("tblname")<>"" then   tblname=request.querystring("tblname")else   Response.Write "<tr><td colspan='4'><h1>Error!!! Please choose a class first</h1></td></tr>"   Response.End()end if

code to the top (directly after the <% tag) Now if the error msg is triggered a 1 col 1 row table with the error message in it will appear :)

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