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medical specialties table


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I am building an app where a table holds business users-businesses data:


CREATE TABLE `business_users` (
  `crID` mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,

 `bus_user_type` smallint DEFAULT NULL,
 `pack_selected` smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
  `sched_entered` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `fk_business_users_buz_usertype1_idx` (`bus_user_type`),
  KEY `pack` (`pack_selected`),
  CONSTRAINT `fk_business_users_buz_usertype1` FOREIGN KEY (`bus_user_type`) REFERENCES `buz_usertype` (`Type_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `fk_business_users_users1` FOREIGN KEY (`crID`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_ID`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `pack_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`pack_selected`) REFERENCES `packages` (`package_ID`)

In the table above I have ommited some columns for brevity reasons.

As you see there is a bus_user_type column....a business user might be for example a doctor a hair stylist a car shop....etc

The doctors are a special case cause I must also store theri specialty(dentist,cardioloist etc)....for this reason I have concluded to the following sheme-tell me what you think:


CREATE TABLE `doctors_specialties` (   
`business_users_crID` mediumint unsigned NOT NULL,  
`medical_specialties_specialty_ID` tinyint NOT NULL,   `speci_ID` mediumint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   
PRIMARY KEY (`speci_ID`),   KEY `fk_doctors_specialties_business_users1_idx` (`business_users_crID`),   KEY `fk_doctors_specialties_medical_specialties1_idx` (`medical_specialties_specialty_ID`),   
CONSTRAINT `fk_doctors_specialties_business_users1` FOREIGN KEY (`business_users_crID`) REFERENCES `business_users` (`crID`),  
CONSTRAINT `fk_doctors_specialties_medical_specialties1` FOREIGN KEY (`medical_specialties_specialty_ID`) REFERENCES `medical_specialties` (`specialty_ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8

CREATE TABLE `medical_specialties` (
  `specialty_ID` tinyint NOT NULL,
  `specialty_name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`specialty_ID`)

In the two above tables I probably must change their names…also see a diagramm of the above tables.

diagramm link

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