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How to delete all <P> elements containing whitespaces only?


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First, get all <p> elements.

var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("p");

Then, loop through all of them. This has to be done in reverse order because deleting items reindexes the elements node list we obtained. (If you want to learn more about this I can explain it in more detail)

var element;
for(var i = elements.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
  element = elements[i];

For each element in the loop, check its contents. This is the complicated part. You have to remove all <br> elements and whitespace from the element's innerHTML and check whether the result is empty. If it was just normal whitespace, the trim() method would be enough, but you wanted to check for <br> and &nbsp; so we need a regular expression.

var contents = element.innerHTML;
contents = contents.replace(/(<br[^>]>|&nbsp;|\s|\n|\r|\t)+/gi, "");
if(contents.length === 0) {


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Requirements are, if you missed them

23 hours ago, pstein said:

How can I (after loading of webpage) remove with JavaScript/jQuery ALL <P> elements which contain whitespaces only?

The code should match for example the following elements:





<P><br class="foobar">&nbsp;</P>


If you want to change goal posts to not include those elements, i can easily check by using .has() to not include them.

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On 2/18/2021 at 9:54 PM, dsonesuk said:

Can't you just search for any text(), no text remove(), doesn't matter if any elements exist

    if($(this).text().trim() ==""){


Thank you for the suggestion.

The problem is here that <P> could contain (only) <img> elements. And <img> are not text elements. So

<img src=".......>...</img>

would be deleted with your javascript.

Thats not intended

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