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I have to add .html for subpages


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I've ran in to a weird issue.

I have a website that's hosted on my own server for some time now, and today I got another domain which I host on the same server. 

For the first website I host I can point to subpages simply by using "https://mywebsite.com/info" but with my new website I have to format links like this "https://myotherwebsite.com/info.html"

I can't figure out why. The structures are the same for both websites.

The first website has a root folder in which both index.html and info.html is placed. 

The second website has a different root folder in which both index.html and info.html are placed.

Not that it's a huge isse, I just don't like that the html part shows in the address field for visitors.

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You can use URL rewriting. I'm not sure which kind of web server you're using, but if it's Apache then you should be able to copy the ".htaccess" file from one website to the other and they should work the same.

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