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[HTML] Frame automatic resizing problem with Word


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Hi,I have an HTML page divided in 3 frames.1 horizontal frame 'Header' which spans on the full width and 2 verticals 'Left' & 'Right'In the 'Left' there is a link which when clicked opens a Word document into the frame 'Right'.Once the document opened, I try to maximise/minimise verticals frames by cliking and moving to the left the separating bar.Every time the bar goes back to its initial position as soon as I release the mouse button.However, whenever I move the bar to the right, the frame maximises itself on the most part of the width or reduces itself, on a random basis.I would like to know if somebody knows if this is due the Word application as I believe !?I use IE6 sp2 and Microsoft Office Word 2003.Thanks.Chris.Here is the code I'm using:### index.htm<html><frameset rows="25%,75%"><frame name="fSearch" src="frame_a.htm" /><frameset cols="90%,10%"><frame name="fResults" src="frame_b.htm" /><frame name="fDocument" src="frame_c.htm" /></frameset></frameset></html>### frame_a.htm<html><body><h1 style="text-align: center;"><BR><BR>Header</h1></body></html>### frame_b.htm<html><body><a href="Word1.doc">Left frame</a><BR><BR>blabla blabla blablablablablabla blabla blablablabla blabla <BR></body></html>### frame_c.htm<html><body><h1><BR><BR>File Viewer</h1></body></html>

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