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ADO Checkbox Delete


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Using ADO method, along with rs.addnew, rs.update, rs.deleteI have a page managing records like below:I use [] to represent checkboxes[] Record 1[] Record 2[] Record 3[] Record 4Above selected: [] delete [] UpdateI use[] above again to represent radio button for desire option by userMember can select desire records for update.=================================================I have tried using the following method gotten from http://www.dmxzone.com/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=35902strID = Replace(Request.Form, "&ID=", ",")strID = Replace(strID, "ID=", "")arrID = Split(strID, ",")For intCount = 0 To UBound(arrID) ...processing ado...NextHowever, because I also put in the delete and update radio buttons, it masses up the array.I am wondering if there is anyone know a way around to update multiple records using checkbox, along with action selection such as "delete" or "update" for activating record or inactivating record. I am using regular rs.delete, but it only deletes one record at a time.=================================================

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