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VBScript -> Visual Basic

Jack McKalling

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Is there any difference between these two? :(When not, what is the difference between this and Basic? Basic is some nice language for Grafical Calculators like TI-83+, it is meant for dudes who don't do programming, or game-making freakies (like me :) ) :)My teacher advised turning to Visual Basic when I asked for help with some Basic game, I never tried the program he game me though.

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  • 1 month later...

In response to your question of BASIC itself, BASIC was created waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the days of the infamous Texas Insturments graphing calculators. It's just another programming language that was created to make it easier for people to create complex applications. Implied from it's actual name, which can make you feel dumb, Beginners All-purpose Symoblic Instruction Code.In terms of the difference between Visual Basic and VBScript, there aren't a whole heck of a lot when you look at such things like syntax, naming conventions, and functions. However when you get to such things as database development, graphics, and more complicated things, there is a huge gap between the two. Actually, a major difference in the two languages can be seen in the way they handle variables. Visual Basic gives you the option of defining your own data types for your variables without having to explicitly convert them to other types. VBScript on the other hand, treats every variable as a nasty Variant type and you have to explicity convert your variables to a different data type.The-Eagle-Eye:VBScript isn't the name of the code used in Visual Basic. It's BASIC. VBScript is a deviation of Visual Basic so that it can be used in web development like JavaScript.

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VBasic is great for games 'coz you can make a great visual interface in like 2 seconds. One of my favorite games that i made was a button that you had to click, but every time you moved the mouse, it moved away. It was quite fun.Ya, the name of basic makes you think it's a really easy language. It's not. The syntax is great, but the great thing about one form of basic, Qbasic, is that it has so many functions to actually use the computer for it's own good. Do you know if anything else can access a computer's speakers? :)VBscript is like, a non visual basic. Kinda. When you're programming it, at least. :)~Chocolate570

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  • 2 weeks later...

The whole 'VISUAL' part of development was created so the deveoper doesn't waste hours designin ght eofrm when you can just drag and drop.It refers to the point, 'don't re invent the wheel every program you write'.The whole focus of Visual and Object Oriented programming is to write code in a way that much of it can be reused over again in other programs.VISUAL Basic is not good for game programming (by games I mean 3D games, like Call of Duty or something, not simple matching games.)Infact C++ remains the best and most efficient for complex games, although much more complex than visual basic and harder to understand.Also don't waste your time learning VB6 now, there are 2 newer releases since then anyways.Look into VB.Net (1.0, 1.1, and 2.0).

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The whole 'VISUAL' part of development was created so the deveoper doesn't waste hours designin ght eofrm when you can just drag and drop.It refers to the point, 'don't re invent the wheel every program you write'.The whole focus of Visual and Object Oriented programming is to write code in a way that much of it can be reused over again in other programs.VISUAL Basic is not good for game programming (by games I mean 3D games, like Call of Duty or something, not simple matching games.)Infact C++ remains the best and most efficient for complex games, although much more complex than visual basic and harder to understand.Also don't waste your time learning VB6 now, there are 2 newer releases since then anyways.Look into VB.Net (1.0, 1.1, and 2.0).

oh dear dont get me confused - i've just gotten into an apprentiship (internet and software technician apprentice) and im 16 just starting out learning about html/css and a little bit of flash type scripting language and a bit of javascript. im dumb and my workplace need vbscript/vbscript.net and i have to learn it :S me scared now :)
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Basic consolidated ideas from this post:-Visual Basic is the visual sibling of vbscript.-Visual Basic is good for making simple program interfaces for windows-VBscript is the web based visual basic-VBscript was created by MS to counter javascript-Visual Basic should be learnt if you are a techinician for a company-Visual Basic is quite simple-VB and VBScript use the same codingThat should help a bit.

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It refers to the point, 'don't re invent the wheel every program you write'.
Well, you lose a lot of challenges into programming.I've come a long way from several basic's (2.0/Q/...) > several assembler's (6502/8086/80x86) > TP/BP and kind of gave up when the Visual stuff came up due to the lack of challenges.I'm now stuck to messing around in asp/html/css/sql/actionscript etcalthough I'm seriously thinking of jumping onto the .net train but I just can't find a decent site that explains how that visual stuff works :)
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