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Favourite html editor?  

676 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite html editor?

    • [url=http://www.nvu.com]NVU[/url]
    • [url=http://hapedit.free.fr/]hapeedit[/url]
    • Notepad
    • [url=http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html]Notepad2[/url]
    • [url=http://www.mpsoftware.dk]HTMLGate[/url]
    • [url=http://www.textpad.com]TextPad[/url]
    • [url=http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html]Scite[/url]
    • [url=http://www.crimsoneditor.com]CrimsonEditor[/url]
    • [url=http://www.chami.com/html-kit/download]HTMLkit[/url]
    • [url=http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamwe...8_datasheet.swf]Dreamweaver[/url]
    • Editpad lite
    • [url=http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm]Notepad++[/url]
    • [url=http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/]Frontpage 2000/2003/XP[/url]
    • [url=http://www.pspad.com]PSPad[/url]
    • [url=http://www.nano-editor.org/]Nano[/url]
    • [url=http://www.nedit.org/]NEdit (Nirvana Text Editor)[/url]
    • [url=http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/index.html]Bluefish Web Development Studio[/url]
    • [url=http://www.context.cx]conTEXT[/url]
    • [url=http://www.evrsoft.com/]Firstpage 2000/2006[/url]
    • [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_text_editors]Other... (follow link)[/url]

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My favorite is Notepad. I like it's simplicity. I've tried others, but the only one that I like anywhere near notepad is EvolvEd. I'm always on the lookout for something I like better than notepad though.


Regarding the question about frontpage users, I have used it at school (recently in fact, before I knew html), and I still knew enough to look at the html and see that it was not very good. I also looked at the sub-website of my school for a section of the 8th grade (I was in 8th grade this year) and couldn't help but laugh. but it is a lifesaver for some people, especially teachers who don't have time or don't want to learn html. And it would be hard to program frontpage to recognize patterns regarding position and such to make a css class for it, but they should at least make a css thing that converted a tag's attributes to css and allow you to name the class it creates (do they?).As far as my favorite editor, I like PSPad, and Kate which comes with linux, but that is probably because of the ftp stuff Kubuntu had... I also like my very own AHTMLPad Latest Version because it is pretty simple. I am also proud that someone said they would make AHTMLPad their prefered html editor :). Well, enough advertising of that, because to be honest I only use my AHTMLPad for HTML2txt conversion, ftp uploads, and when I take screenshots of new versions :) and the rest of my html editing is done with PSPad or gedit (ubuntu text editor now that I got ubuntu instead of kubuntu) or just the web site that hosts my site's little feature to edit the html, since I don't have my own domain (I wish I did but they aren't free and I don't have enough reason for my own domain, I guess)

  • 2 weeks later...

I use Komodo Edit on my MacBook.It is really nice, specially JS

  • 1 month later...

I like DreamWeaver for its code completion features - while I know it is bad programming practice to use it, I find my efficiency is greatly increased :)

I like DreamWeaver for its code completion features - while I know it is bad programming practice to use it, I find my efficiency is greatly increased :)
Who said that? It's not a bad practice at all. As long as you know what is it that you have at the end. I mean, some people just auto complete for the trial&error process. When you already know what will happen, auto complete is a great time saver.
  • 2 weeks later...

Notepad rocks was and is the best you keep ur knowledge up to date this way and never forget a tag or something.I use PHP Expert Editor also for my html files its kinda like notepad but has quick buttons for inserting a image or stuff like this. But i just downloaded notepad2 and i seem to like it even more than the two above :))


Eclipse - Windows (140 MB)The classic Eclipse download: the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation. http://www.eclipse.org/ - its free

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Notepad++ I use for debugging PHP scripts, and reading improperly formatted pages/scripts.Notepad I use for everything else; for shell editing on my VPS I use nano.

  • 2 weeks later...

can sombody help me in the house............... i am new to web design just leaning from notpad html............... but dont no how to seprate colors.

Well... actually the latest version of Dreamwaver is 8, not MX. Here's more info:http://www.macromedia.com/software/dreamweaver/
Actually... with Adobe's CS3, the latest version of Dreamweaver is Dreamweaver CS3 (version 9.0, I have build 3453)Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
  • 2 weeks later...

Where are all my ConTEXT users at? Go here to contribute towards ConTEXT becoming open source:http://forum.context.cx/index.php?topic=2326.0

Due to various engagements which cause lack of my full attention and continuous further development of the ConTEXT project, I'm officially announcing that the ConTEXT project is offered FOR SALE and starting the bid.Buyer will get: Full source code of ConTEXT Programmers Editor's last three releases. Full source code of unfinished ConTEXT v1.0. Full source code of ConTEXT Programmers Editor's dependent units and libraries. Fully functional ConTEXT web site located at www.context.cx with well visited support forum. Ownership of domain name context.cx.
  • 2 weeks later...
Does Visual Studio count?
I would say so, as (assuming I understnd what you mean) it alows you to write the script/code.

i'm looking for a good html editor not to type out new code, but to edit the code with no proper formatting and alignment.(i.e) when i copy and paste a code into the editor, it must get properly aligned. also other feature i'd like is wen i click on a tag it must highlight the corresponding end tag also < and> pairs too. Let that be a light weight one easy to have it in my pendrive. plz suggest such an editor.. :)

Actually... with Adobe's CS3, the latest version of Dreamweaver is Dreamweaver CS3 (version 9.0, I have build 3453)Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
@Valera - look at the time of my writing. There was no newer version at that time, though of course there now is :) .

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