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Unspamable email address from CDR Software


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Dear Sirs:While I absolutely love the concept of your "unspamable email addresses" there are errors in the script that will not validate via: http://validator.w3.org/Original script is located at:http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/unspam.shtmlYou have your script represented as:<script language="JavaScript"><!--var name = "protected";var domain = "cdrsoft.com";document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\">');document.write(name + '@' + domain + '</a>');// --></script>Specifically the first line is incorrect as it reads: <script language="JavaScript"> and should read: <script type="text/javascript">As this is a Javascript, you forgot to add the "\" to the closing href tag ... it reads </a> and should read <\/a>.I have noticed this a lot in several of the free javascripts that have peaked our interest, but it may be that since these are "older" javascripts, this was the original format. But they will not validate today.A corrected version that will validate is:<!-- Original script from CDRSoft.com --><script type="text/javascript"><!--var name = "protected";var domain = "cdrsoft.com";document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\">');document.write(name + '@' + domain + '<\/a>');// --></script><! -- Sample with "name of person" being linked to email address --><script type="text/javascript"><!-- Beginvar name = "protected";var domain = "cdrsoft.com";document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\">Protected CDRSoft<\/a>');// End --></script><! -- Sample with "email address" being linked to email address --><script type="text/javascript"><!-- Beginvar name = "protected";var domain = "cdrsoft.com";document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\">');document.write(name + '@' + domain + '<\/a>');// End--></script><! -- Sample with "gif or jpg thumbnail or icon" being linked to email address --><script type="text/javascript"><!-- Beginvar name = "protected";var domain = "cdrsoft.com";document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\"><img src="cdrsoft_icon.gif" border="0" width=100 height=50 alt="Corp Logo"><\/a>');// End --></script> We hope that this will assist anyone in the future with a validation problem for this script.Thank you./s/jsaint

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