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Tutorial Has Incorrect Information


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Hi, I suggest you update http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_doctype.asp. The reason? The DTD isn't a tag, neither in HTML or XHTML. The W3C always calls it a doctype declaration/DTD, never a tag. I think it should stay in the taglist, but that it should be written on the page "The DTD is not a tag!", and the parts calling it a "tag" be reworded to call it a DTD or doctype declaration/definition, as said here and here.

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Actually, if you look at where they actually define the word tag: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/terms.html#a_termsyou will see that <!DOCTYPE> is a tag.

descriptive markup delimiting the start and end (including its generic identifier and any attributes) of an element.
I think you're confusing a few things. The literal "<!DOCTYPE>" is a tag, the DTD is the document that the <!DOCTYPE> tag REFERS to. Much like, for example, CSS isn't a tag, but what we use to refer to it (<style>) is.Just for your information, here's an example of an actual DTD: http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd
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Read up on what it means to be well formed: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-well-formedThe closing tag is require for all elements within the document element. The DOCTYPE declaration is outside of that.Regardless, as it is still "descriptive markup" (meaning the user-agent knows how to parse it for information based on the way it's declared), I see no problem referring to it as a tag.You should also note that "<p>Content</p>" in its entirety is NOT a tag. "<p>" is a tag (called the opening/start tag), and "</p>" is another tag (called the end tag).

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