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Split a string and extract the first few characters


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I have a requirement where in my input node, I have an input node <DateTime>Date(yyyymmdd)-Time(hhmmss)</DateTime>e.g. <DateTime>20061130093023</DateTime>The InputNode value is a string and as well as the Output. ( So I try using the functions defined to operate on strings)In my Output I need to split apart the Date Part and Time Part and Place a hard coded value over there, like 00:00:00<OutputDateTime>Date-HardCodedTime</DateTime>e.g. <OutputDateTime>20061130235900</OutputDateTime>The available functions in the string concat (is needed), substring(string,startlen) - this is not helpful is I need to extract the 1st 8 characters corresponding to date. Please can I know (asap) if any other function can be used or there is a need of a work around. Thanks

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I don't see any difference between your input and ouput :) .If the only thing you have to remove is the hyphen, then a simple translate() will do it:


will output


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