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hex editing


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hex edit files, xbox 360 game files specificallyalso, how do i know for example changing what combination of numbers and letters will change what in the game? like if i change line two collumn three it will change the weapon?

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hey i have been searching w3schools site for like an hr and i cant find a tut or somthing on how to hex edit files. if any1 can direct me to one that would b great thank you
If you say this, for me . . . I want a program that can convert RGB to hex-a-decimal . . .
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I think.. you have the wrong idea. Hex has two meanings, hexadecimal, color codes. Just hex, those are characters. I think they are in the format of 1x11. Is that right? The person here seems to be talking about files though. Maybe the hex chars, but not color codes..

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well it something like this12 00 00 43 57 68 12 00 0000 00 23 93 72 44 28 94 8888 74 57 23 23 95 29 87 00so like which set of bytes do i gota change to make for example the weaopns stats change thanksim talking about hexidecmal by the way thanks for clearin that up reportingsjr

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Well, that is definetly not hexadecimal. As stated above, that will produce colors. Its like this: Green = 00FF00, Blue = 0000FF, Red = FF0000. That wont change the stats.. I think it may be a language that the game developers created.

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Hex editing is usually used to crack a piece of software so that it does something different than the original functionality of the software. Each file being cracked is unique from every other cracked file. I think you're on your own for cracking that file. Maybe you could look for an XBOX forum.Here's a wikipedia article on Hex Editors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hex_editor

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well it something like this12 00 00 43 57 68 12 00 0000 00 23 93 72 44 28 94 8888 74 57 23 23 95 29 87 00so like which set of bytes do i gota change to make for example the weaopns stats change thanksim talking about hexidecmal by the way thanks for clearin that up reportingsjr
It is not obvious by looking at a binary format which bytes you need to change. The meaning in the binary is whatever the program reading the binary gives to it, that's the only meaning it has. I can't tell you what that meaning is by looking at the data. In other words, I can't tell how the program uses the data just by looking at the data itself. You need to find a specification for the data. There might not be one published, it might be confidential. I can't tell you where to find the specification, I don't even own an Xbox and don't know anything about the file formats that it uses. I don't even know if an Xbox save game is a standardized format, or if each game uses its own format.So, you can either find the specification, look up which bytes in the file correspond to which pieces of data that the program uses, or you can go the hacker route and just change things and see what happens. I can almost guarantee that you want to leave everything alone before the last 00 00 bytes. Several null bytes in a row usually indicate a boundary, so it's likely that the first word, then the four words after the next two null words, are probably headers for the file and contain some metadata about it. It also might be possible that you need to make more then one change. For example, you might need to add a byte or a word in the middle somewhere, and change another byte to update the new length of the data.The bottom line is that you can't expect to post a bunch of binary data to a forum and ask which byte you need to change in order to change a specific thing, like a weapon stat. Can you tell which byte is the "weapon stat" byte?
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