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Alternate Table Colours


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I've got a content management system setup for my site, but i'm having problems how to work out how to create alternate colours in a table.The page displays a list of pages that exist in the database. But how do i make each one have a different background colour, so it's easier to read?Here is what i am using at the moment to display the pages:

 <table width="100%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="pagelistings">							<tr>							  <td><span class="style12">Page Title </span></td>							  <td><span class="style12">Last Editied On </span></td>							  <td> </td>							</tr>							<tr>							  <td colspan="4"><span class="style6"></span></td>								  <%		strSQL = "Select * FROM tblContent ORDER BY Name"		rs.Open strSQL, strCon				do while not rs.eof	%>							</tr>							<tr>							  <td><span class="style6">							  <% =removeHTML(rs("Name")) %>							  </span></td>							  <td><span class="style6">							  <% =rs("LastEdit") %>							  </span></td>							  <td><div align="center" class="style6"><a href="page_edit.asp?Title=<% =server.URLEncode(removeHTML(rs("Name"))) %>" class="leftnavbg">Edit </a></div></td>							</tr>								<%		rs.movenext		loop	%>						  </table>

Any help is appreciated.ThanksJon

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<table width="100%" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="pagelistings">							<tr>							  <td><span class="style12">Page Title </span></td>							  <td><span class="style12">Last Editied On </span></td>							  <td> </td>							</tr>							<tr>							  <td colspan="4"><span class="style6"></span></td>	<%	count = 0	oncolor = "#FFFFFF"	offcolor = "#EDEEED"		strSQL = "Select * FROM tblContent ORDER BY Name"		rs.Open strSQL, strCon				do while not rs.eof	if count mod 2 = 0 then	bgcolor = oncolor	else	bgcolor = offcolor	end if	%>							</tr>							<tr bgcolor="<%=bgcolor%>">							  <td><span class="style6">							  <% =removeHTML(rs("Name")) %>							  </span></td>							  <td><span class="style6">							  <% =rs("LastEdit") %>							  </span></td>							  <td><div align="center" class="style6"><a href="page_edit.asp?Title=<% =server.URLEncode(removeHTML(rs("Name"))) %>" class="leftnavbg">Edit </a></div></td>							</tr>								<%		rs.movenext	count = count + 1		loop	%>						  </table>

try this, just change the offcolor, oncolor variables to match the colours you want.

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