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delete data from database base on user choice


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Hello; :) i want to let user delete their data from database. Note: one user may have more than one rows of data.table as following;TCid UserName Topic Content1 q1 xx xxx2 q2 xx xxx3 q3 xx xxx4 q1 xx xxx5 q2 xx xxxAnd i code as following steps;1) ask user input user name2) Display out all the data which the users got. (it is in delete.php file.)in here, i will use the check box, to let the user choices which data they will delete.note: i will try to make the Cid relate with the input name, so later on i can deletethe data base on Cid.3) i will delete the data base on the user choice(it is in deleteR.php file).but at the movement, i just want to test where i can get the value of the TCid or not(because i will delete some datas base on the TCid which the user choiced).The problem i go now, it is from the step 3, i could not get the TCid's value out,that's mean, i could not delete some data base on the user choiced.input user name (step 1)

<html><body><form action='delete.php' method="POST">Please eneter your userName:<input type="text" name="userName" value=0><br><input type="submit" value="submit"><input type="reset" value="reset"></form></body></html>

delete.php (step 2)

<html><body><form action='deleteR.php' method="POST"><? $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "xxxxx","xxxxx");  if (! $con)  {  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());  } mysql_select_db("xxxx", $con); $result = mysql_query("select * from Customer2 where UserName='$_POST[userName]'");$CArray = array(); $i=0;while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){	 $CArray['$i']=$row['TCid']; ?><input type="checkbox" name=" <? $CArray['$i'] ?> " ><? echo $row['Topic']; $i++;?><br><?}?><input type="submit" value="submit"><input type="reset" value="reset"></form></body></html>

deleteR.php (step 3)

<?$i=0;while(isset($_POST['$CArray[$i]'])){ echo "The customer will delete their data from the TCid= "; echo $CArray[$i];  echo "<br>";  $i++;  }?>

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in deleteR.php you can like this:

<?php		$arrdelete = $_REQUEST['delete_id'];	if(is_array($arrdelete))	{		while(list($key, $value) = each($arrdelete))		{			$sql = "delete xxx where id=".$value;			mysql_query($sql);		}	}?>

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in deleteR.php you can like this:
<?php		$arrdelete = $_REQUEST['delete_id'];	if(is_array($arrdelete))	{		while(list($key, $value) = each($arrdelete))		{			$sql = "delete xxx where id=".$value;			mysql_query($sql);		}	}?>

Thanks for your help, it does work now. :):)
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Thanks for your help, it does work now. :):)
:blink::) i want to ask you again, why i could not print out the value. in the deleteR.php $arrdelete = $_REQUEST['id_delete']; if(is_array($arrdelete)){ $arrdelete = $_REQUEST['id_delete']; $numId=count($arrdelete); echo $numId; // i can get this value echo "<br>"; echo $arrdelete['$num']; // but i could not get this value }
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You did not set $num. Also, since you have $num is single quotes, it is looking for the string "$num", not the value of the variable $num.

$arrdelete = $_REQUEST['id_delete']; if(is_array($arrdelete)){   $numId=count($arrdelete);   echo $numId; // i can get this value   echo "<br>";   foreach ($arrdelete as $key => $val)	echo "key: {$key}; value: {$val} <br>";}

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You did not set $num. Also, since you have $num is single quotes, it is looking for the string "$num", not the value of the variable $num.
$arrdelete = $_REQUEST['id_delete']; if(is_array($arrdelete)){   $numId=count($arrdelete);   echo $numId; // i can get this value   echo "<br>";   foreach ($arrdelete as $key => $val)	echo "key: {$key}; value: {$val} <br>";}

Thanks a lot, it is nice code, i like it :)
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There's one other problem, when you get all the CIDs:

$result = mysql_query("select * from Customer2 where UserName='$_POST[userName]'");$CArray = array();$i=0;while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){	 $CArray['$i']=$row['TCid'];?><input type="checkbox" name=" <? $CArray['$i'] ?> " >

This is the problem:$CArray['$i']=$row['TCid'];The problem is that you are using the array index '$i'. This is using the string '$i' for the key, not the value of the variable $i. Single quotes do not do variable replacement, so if you put a variable inside single quotes it does not get replaced with the variable's value. If you want to use the value of $i, just don't even quote it at all:$CArray[$i]=$row['TCid'];I've seen a lot of people put quotes around a single variable like that on here, if you are only using one variable, you do not need to quote it! Quotes are for strings only.

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