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XSLT Tables


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I'm trying to make a table with 9 columns and "x" amount of rows. With what I have below this repeats one image repeat 9 times per row, I want the first then the next position then next.I tried using a this key:

<xsl:key name="image" match="item/image" use="url"/>and for the "for-each" I used:<xsl:for-each select="item/image[count(. | key('image', url)[1]) = 1]">

(this did not work)Here's my XSLT:

<xsl:template match="channel"><div id="show_image_holder"><div id="show_thumb_holder"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><xsl:for-each select="item/image">	<tr>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>		<td class="image_td">			<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 		</td>	</tr></xsl:for-each></table></div></div></xsl:template>

Hope someone can help~Thanks!

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I'm trying something like this:

<xsl:param name="columns" select="10" /><xsl:template match="channel">	<div id="show_image_holder">		<center>			<img src="images/shows/DSC04805.JPG" class="show_large_image" /><br />		</center>	<div id="show_thumb_holder">		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">			<xsl:apply-templates select="item/image[(position() mod $columns) = 1]" /> 		</table>		</div> 	</div></xsl:template><xsl:template match="item/image"> 			<tr>				<xsl:for-each select=". | following-sibling::product[position() < $columns]"> 					<td class="image_td">						<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 					</td>				</xsl:for-each>			</tr></xsl:template>

It's still not working...

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I'm using this:

<xsl:template match="channel">	<div id="show_image_holder">			<div id="show_thumb_holder">	<center>		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">			<xsl:for-each select="item/image"> 				<td class="image_td">					<a href="#">						<img src="{url}" title="{description}" class="show_thumb_image" /> 					</a>				</td>					<xsl:if test="position() mod 8 = 0">						<tr />					</xsl:if>			</xsl:for-each>		</table>	</center>		</div> 	</div></xsl:template>

There are still problems...like repeats, it's weird.Why does this not work properly?

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