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AH MAH GAH! Firefox doesn't like CSS


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Alrighty, after making a webpage for my free time, and to get my ranting side out, I've made a site not unlike maddox.xmission.com. Although, I did make it before I found his site.Anyway, I'm an aspiring webdesigner who has done alot with CSS, and at the school I work at only uses IE, which makes it really easy. Although, at home, I have Firefox, which doesn't like CSS as much. For example:-Scroll bar colors (Not a personal favorite, but still...)-Font size (The most frustrating)-Some text colors-"position: absolute;"-etc.I would like to know a few ways around these without using repetetive HTML through the whole thing. Mostly the font-size attribute is particularly annoying. My text is too small for the color scheme I have running, and if I could have it bigger, I wouldn't need to change the many image buttons I have, and save me about 3 weeks of work.Here's my external CSS:

body{	background-color: black;	color: red;	font-size: 19;	scrollbar-3d-light-color: black;	scrollbar-arrow-color: black;	scrollbar-base-color: black;	scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: red;	scrollbar-face-color: red;	scrollbar-track-color: black;	scrollbar-highlight-color: black;	scrollbar-shadow-color: black;	}p{	text-indent: 20px;	color; red;	font-size: 17;	}a{	color: red;	}a:hover{	color: gold;	text-decoration: none;	}a:active{	color: red;	}a:visited{	color: gold;	}h3{	color: red;	}img{	border: 0;	}blah{	background-color: blue;	color: white;	}

And here is my homepage:

<!DOCTYPE htmlPUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head>	<title>Romping Rants</title><style type="text/css" url="external.css">p{	text-indent: 20px;	color; red;	font-size: 17;	}h3{	color: red;	}table{	align: center;	}</style><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="external.css" /></head><body><h1>Welcome to the mental outlet of Aeon!</h1><br /><br /><h3>Attention!</h3><p>You must know that all information here is, and might be, fictional at its core. This is for you to draw your own conclusion based upon what indoctrination I might provide. Thanks.</p><br /><img src="Images/note.jpg" id="note" hspace="0" /><p>I am not the same person as Aeon from Aeonart! I am a completely individual person, and we are not the same. Please know that before making any judgments upon my drawing skills, or his verbal skills.</p><br /><br /><table border="0"><tr><td><center><table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2" width="100%" style="margin-right: 50px;">	<tr>		<th>Date</th>		<td><b>News</b></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>9/10/2006</td>		<td align=left>Aeon's World updated. Philosophy 2 up; <a href="phil2.html">Fate, Karma, and Assholes</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>9/7/2006</td>		<td align=left>Lots of changes! Philosophy 1 up; <a href="phil1.html">2012 End</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>8/23/2006</td>		<td align=left>Aeon's World complete! The Chosen may now view it.</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>7/27/2006</td>		<td align=left>Rant 3 up; <a href="rant3.html">Diet Soda</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>6/8/2006</td>		<td align=left>Rant 2 up; <a href="rant2.html">Mayspace Addicts</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>6/2/2006</td>		<td align=left>Some site modifications, enjoy!</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>5/31/2006</td>		<td align=left>Rant 1 up; <a href="rant1.html">Comicbook Movies.</a></td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=right>5/30/2006</td>		<td align=left>Site up! Jubilation!</td>	</tr></table></center></td><td><center><table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="4">	<tr>		<th>Production of next pages:</th>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=left><font color="red">| | | | | | | | |</font><font color="white"> |</font> Philosophy 90%</td>	</tr>	<tr>		<td align=left><font color="red">| | | |</font><font color="white"> | | | | | |</font> Rants 40%</td>	</tr></table></center></td></tr></table></body></html>

I'm not sure if there is anything particularly wrong with my code, I'm usually pretty strict on the format. I would run it through a validator, but I don't think that's my problem.Here is the link to the website: http://flameguthix.t35.com (Budget is low, can't get a better host) Thanks alot for all of your help guys.

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I believe font sizes should always be denoted in pixels, or such. It's like units. You don't leave off units in Science or Math calculations, it's the same thing with code. Specify 10px, rather than just 10.And run your code through a validator, it can't hurt. :)P.S.Generally Firefox conforms to CSS standards, whereas Microsoft Internet Explorer does funky stuff, although I haven't tested I.E. 7.Good luck.

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like aquatsr says - use pixels for any text size, padding, margin etc..also, you use an xhtml doctype, but yet you use the font tag, center tag and tables...these 3 tags are depreciated and can be replaced with css and div's. Much easier to control and quicker to edit.the scrollbar css is not valid css, as its ie only. Again, like aquatsr says, Firefox conforms to CSS standards where as ie 6 and 7 both do not.for text colours, use hexi number thingymigigs..like #FF0000 for red and #0000FF for blue and #000000 for black, #FFFFFF for white, etc etc..that should help you on the way:)

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