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Posts posted by ibrahimjan

  1. thank you, what I did was changed the vale of group_concat_max_len from my.ini permanently, that worked very well.this is what I found out: The result is truncated to the maximum length that is given by the group_concat_max_len system variable, which has a default value of 1024. The value can be set higher, although the effective maximum length of the return value is constrained by the value of max_allowed_packet. The syntax to change the value of group_concat_max_len at runtime is as follows, where val is an unsigned integer: SET [GLOBAL | SESSION] group_concat_max_len = val;-- http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/...n_group-concat

  2. Hi I created a relations sql statement between three tables, the problem is that my table tx and img is limited to only 1024 characters, is there a way I can change the data typ to display more than that, like use type = TEXT?? This is my statment:

    SELECTCONCAT('{"weID":"',wb.weID, ',"size_h":"',wb.size_h, ',"size_w":"', wb.size_w,'","text":[') as bs,  CONCAT (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT'{"weID":"',wt.weID,'","txtID":"',wt.txtID, '","txtText":"', wt.txtText, '","txtColour":"', wt.txtColour,'"}')) as txt,  CONCAT(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT '{"weID":"',wi.weID,'"',',"imgName":"',wi.imgName,'","imgName":"', wi.imgName,'","imgMTX5":"', wi.imgMTX5,'","imgMTX6":"',wi.imgMTX6,'","imgWidth":"',wi.imgWidth,'","imgHeight":"', wi.imgHeight,'","imgZindex":"', wi.ImgZindex,'"}'))as img  FROM wb, wt, wi WHERE wb.weID = wt.weID and wb.weID = wi.weID GROUP BY wb.weID ORDER BY GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT wb.weID) ASC

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  3. Hi All, I got this sql connection to my table wb, it all seems to work fine in phpmyadmin, when testing sql, but when i want to us it, it comes up with: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING inC:\----------\test3.php on line 75 line 75 is the $query_wb

    $query_wb = "SELECT	 CONCAT( "[",		 GROUP_CONCAT(			 CONCAT("{weID:'",`weID`,"'"),			 CONCAT(",weName:'",`weName`,"'}")		 )	 ,"]") AS json FROM wb;";

    any Ideas how to make it work??

  4. Ok I think I got my SQL sorted, it's a full array now, but have to change my original PHP.Any help in changing my original PHP to outpu like the above json string, is much appreciated.

    "SELECT wb.weID, size_h, size_w, imgID, imgName, txtID, txtText FROM wb JOIN wi ON wi.weID = wb.weID JOIN wt ON wt.weID = wb.weID WHERE wb.weID =  '-126555895'"

  5. Ok, what I need to do is loop through $back to show all rows, at the moment its only displaying one which is "-126555895" obviously as set in the sql statement, but maybe I need to change my sql to show all records of $back, but $images and $text need all to show corresponding joint data by "weID" and I am having proper difficulties joining them. At the moment it's easy to set up because we are only showing one record "-126555895", I need to show all the records in the above json layout. I hope this makes senesce, its very hard to explain multidimensional arrays, any help is appreciated.

  6. Please have a look at my json data to see what I want to do:

    [	{		"weID": "-126555895",		"size_h": "700",		"size_w": "494",		"images": [			{				"imgID": "1535689403",				"imgName": "1321865407"			}		],		"text": [			{				"txtID": "-1892792786",				"txtText": "4.99"			},			{				"txtID": "1583276033",				"txtText": "$"			}		]	}, // i cant seem to loop through my data to get more results looking like this:{		"weID": "3444555435",		"size_h": "500",		"size_w": "294",		"images": [			{				"imgID": "-454646555",				"imgName": "77774433"			},			{				"imgID": "1535689403",				"imgName": "1321865407"			}		],		"text": [			{				"txtID": "15834443333",				"txtText": "more text"			}		]	}] 

    //my PHP code: $back = mysql_query("SELECT weID, size_h, size_w  FROM wb WHERE weID=-126555895");$images = mysql_query("SELECT imgID, imgName  FROM wi WHERE weID=-126555895");$text= mysql_query("SELECT  txtID, txtText FROM wt WHERE weID=-126555895"); //all my above SQL statements have weID in common, how can I link them together, to show all my results rather then one "-126555895"??  $model = array(); 	while($e = mysql_fetch_assoc($back)){	  		$model['weID'] = $e['weID'];		$model['size_h'] = $e['size_h'];		$model['size_w'] = $e['size_w'];  while($h = mysql_fetch_assoc($images)) {		$model['images'][] = array( 						'imgID' => $h['imgID'],						'imgName' => $h['imgName']		); while($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($text)){   $model['text'][] = array( 						'txtID' => $f['txtID'],						'txtText' => $f['txtText']		);};	};}; echo json_encode ($model); mysql_close($con);

    I need it to loop through so it can display all the records in

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