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get variable from another page ?


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e.g table : categoryfile :category_idcategory_nmand I have menu.php

$query1 = "select * from category";$query2 = mysql_query($query1);while($query3 = mysql_fetch_array($query2)){<a href=index.php?page=view.php>$query3[nm_category]</a><br />// another script}

for example, there are 3 record in category. computer, law, medicali need variable in view.php from menu.php to identify which data will show in view.php according to category !how do it can be done ?

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i am not sure what you want to do.if you want to send data(variable) to other page you can do like this.

echo "<a href='view.php?catid={$query3['category_id']}'>{$query3['category_nm']}</a>";

you can catch the data in view.php by using $_GET in the view.php page.there are some problems in the code. you should use echo to display anything. and you have to use {} for associative arrays when you use it in double quotes.there single quotes are missing in associative array $query3[nm_category] should be $query3['nm_category']single quote is missing in <a href='....> tag also.category_nm is your table column name should be same $query3['category_nm'] when you fetching data from database.you use $qry1,$qry2,$qry3. you may want to use some descriptive name for variable. so it will be very eased to understand the purpose of the variable. though here the purpose of the $qry1-$qry3 is not same. though it is not an issue but it will increase the ease of reading and understanding.

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oh sorry, I forgot to write echo.., I need "index.php?page=view.php" to include view.php in index.php. but, about the problem, I've got the solution. I put "&" and write variable again, like this :

echo "<a href='index.php?page=view.php&catid=$query3[category_id]'>$query3['category_nm']</a>";

in the past, i don't know how to use 2 variable or more in url. but with & its done.thank you for asking me to use {}, single quote.., even it work fine for me. but I've read that its required to completely cross-platform compatible.., isn't it ?

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