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HTML5/CSS-background color of specific row of table....How?


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I am very new to this, so I may state some things that are pretty obvious. I am partnering on a html application project outside of my normal responsibilities, and I am just not understanding what I need to do to accomplish setting a background color for a specific row of a very long table. We are utilizing HTML 5, which from what I understand does not support the previous method of selecting a background, but instead you have to use CSS to accomplish this. I would like to set a background color for specific rows of a table. I do not want to do odd and even background coloring.


Below is an example of the table code already written. I am trying to figure out how I can give "tr id=Week1" a back ground color to stand out from the other rows of data within the table. I have also attached a screen shot of the html app to help convey what it currently looks like and what I hope this forum can help me with. I would like to add a background color to the row with the "blue" font.


</fieldset>    </div><div overflow: auto;><table id="tblLogData" ><thead><tr><th>Log Date</th><th>Notes</th><th>Weight (lbs)</th><th>%Change (initial weight)</th><th>Water Goal (oz)</th><th>Water Actuals (oz)</th><th>% Achieved</th><th>Step Goal</th><th>Step Actuals</th><th>% Achieved</th><th>Activity Goal (mins)</th><th>Activity Actuals (mins)</th><th>% Achieved</th><th>Distance Goal (miles)</th><th>Distance Actuals (miles)</th><th>% Achieved</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr id="Week 1"><td style="width:30%;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:Blue" valign="bottom">WEEK 1 - H2O</td><td style="width:30%;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:Blue" valign="bottom">WATER! 320 OUNCE WEEKLY GOAL!</td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:Blue" valign="bottom">320</td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td></tr><tr id="03/23/2015"><td style="width:30%" valign="bottom">Monday, March 23rd</td><td style="width:30%" valign="bottom">Week 1 - Total of 320 oz of water for this week!</td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom">45.71</td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"></td><td style="width:2%" valign="bottom"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td style="width:4%" valign="bottom"></td>


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Your id's are invalid. Limit yourself to [a-zA-Z0-9_-] and don't begin with a number, so id="Week01" is valid and id="D03-23-2015" is valid.


Try something like...

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>title</title><style>td,th{border:1px solid #999;}th{background-color:#ddd;}#Week01{background-color:#fbb}#D03-23-2015{background-color:#bbf;}.s30a{width:30%;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:Blue;}.s2a{width:2%;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:Blue;}.vab{vertical-align:bottom}.w4{width:4%}.w2{width:2%}</style></head><body><table id="tblLogData" ><thead><tr><th>Log Date</th><th>Notes</th><th>Weight (lbs)</th><th>%Change (initial weight)</th><th>Water Goal (oz)</th><th>Water Actuals (oz)</th><th>% Achieved</th><th>Step Goal</th><th>Step Actuals</th><th>% Achieved</th><th>Activity Goal (mins)</th><th>Activity Actuals (mins)</th><th>% Achieved</th><th>Distance Goal (miles)</th><th>Distance Actuals (miles)</th><th>% Achieved</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr id="Week01"><td class="s30a vab">WEEK 1 - H2O</td><td class="s30a vab">WATER! 320 OUNCE WEEKLY GOAL!</td><td class="w4 vab"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="s2a vab">320</td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w4 vab"></td></tr><tr id="D03-23-2015"><td class="w30 vab">Monday, March 23rd</td><td class="w30 vab">Week 1 - Total of 320 oz of water for this week!</td><td class="w4 vab"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab">45.71</td><td class="w2 vab"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td class="w4 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"></td><td class="w2 vab"><div contenteditable="true"></div></td><td class="w4 vab"></td></tr></table> </body></html>
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<style type="text/css">#Week1 {    background-color:Lavender;    /* Change colour as per your need*/    color:blue;    font-weight:bold;    font-style:italic;</style>

Add the above color in your <head> section

<tr id="Week 1"><--- Your Content  ----></tr>

This will make.....background color of the row Lavender & font in blue & bold-italic

Edited by Tezzo
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