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  1. Ahh, okay. Thanks, justsomeguy. I will try that out.
  2. So here is what I have so far...thoughts? select acct_num = ser.account_number, customer_type = cac.member_role, full_name = cac.full_name, acc.charge_off_date, external_status = acc.external_status_code_name, coff_reason = acc.charge_off_reason_code, crd.date_status_chg, cac.deceased_code, crd.upc_14, curr_bal = ser.current_balance, cac.cii_code, sys_num = spa.system_bank_identifier into #first_filters from fact.fact_cc_servicing ser join dim.dim_cc_account acc on ser.account_number = acc.account_number and acc.end_date = 99991231 join dim.dim_cc_account_customer cac on ser.account_number = substring(cac.full_account, 13, 16) and cac.end_date = 99991231 join dim.dim_cc_cardholder crd on ser.account_number = crd.account_number and crd.end_date = 99991231 join dim.dim_cc_sys_prin_agent spa on ser.dim_cc_sys_prin_agent_key = spa.dim_cc_sys_prin_agent_key where ser.end_date = 99991231 and acc.external_status_code_name = 'charged off' and acc.charge_off_date between 20180101 and 20181231 and ser.current_balance >= 600 and cac.member_role = '01' order by ser.account_number insert into #first_filters ( acct_num, customer_type, full_name, acc.charge_off_date, external_status, coff_reason, crd.date_status_chg, cac.deceased_code, crd.upc_14, curr_bal, cac.cii_code, sys_num) select * from #first_filters where (sys_num = '3616' and isnull(cii_code, '$') in ('E', 'F', 'G', 'H')) or coff_reason = '68' select * from #first_filters
  3. So I read that article on insert into, but I am still confused as to how I can combine the where clauses in my query. The examples in that article do not have where clauses.
  4. I am a newbie with SQL. I wrote the code below, and I am trying to make it more efficient. As of now, I run the first select statement, copy/paste it into excel, run the second part, and then copy/paste it into excel. Is there a way to combine these queries into one? I was unsure of how to do so. I currently run the select statements separately because I want the results from the first select statement AND the results from the second statement. The second select statement just uses the temp table #first_filters created in the first select statement to get records meeting the criteria. select acct_num = ser.account_number, customer_type = cac.member_role, full_name = cac.full_name, acc.charge_off_date, external_status = acc.external_status_code_name, coff_reason = acc.charge_off_reason_code, crd.date_status_chg, cac.deceased_code, crd.upc_14, curr_bal = ser.current_balance, cac.cii_code, sys_num = spa.system_bank_identifier into #first_filters from fact.fact_cc_servicing ser join dim.dim_cc_account acc on ser.account_number = acc.account_number join dim.dim_cc_account_customer cac on ser.account_number = substring(cac.full_account, 13, 16) join dim.dim_cc_cardholder crd on ser.account_number = crd.account_number join dim.dim_cc_sys_prin_agent spa on ser.dim_cc_sys_prin_agent_key = spa.dim_cc_sys_prin_agent_key where ser.end_date = 99991231 --gives the current record from the fact table and acc.external_status_code_name = 'charged off' and acc.charge_off_date between 20180101 and 20181231 and ser.current_balance >= 600 and cac.member_role = '01' order by ser.account_number select * from #first_filters where (sys_num = '3616' and isnull(cii_code, '$') in ('E', 'F', 'G', 'H')) or coff_reason = '68'
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