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Everything posted by techieoriname

  1. Please am using rave api to resolve account details i don't want the page to load i want to collect one detail from the json response without loading the page before saving to mysql database This is the url https://ravesandboxapi.flutterwave.com/flwv3-pug/getpaidx/api/resolve_account { "recipientaccount": "0690000034", "destbankcode": "044", "PBFPubKey": "FLWPUBK-4e9d4e37974a61157ce8ca4f43c84936-X" } thats an example of the json data sent And here is the response below { "status": "success", "message": "ACCOUNT RESOLVED", "data": { "data": { "responsecode": "00", "accountnumber": "0690000034", "accountname": "Ade Bond", "responsemessage": "Approved Or Completed Successfully", "phonenumber": null, "uniquereference": "FLWT00976651", "internalreference": null }, "status": "success" } } I want to collect the "accountname" and display on the form without reloading the page <form action="" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="recipientaccount"> <input type="text" name="destbankcode"> after entering the destbankcode i want the account name from the response display in the next field without reloading the page <input type="text" name="accountname" value="" disabled> <input type="submit" value="Submit">
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