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Slideshow Issues...


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Hi Everyone, I'm trying to turn my slideshow into an extra source of navigation. It appears that it was built into the css to add a link to the slides in the slideshow, but when I add the link, it cuts off the bottom of the slide. Any ideas? Here's the working code: http://www.disneymadesimple.com And the code with the link is below.

<section id="intro">   <div id="slides">   <div class="slides_container">   <a href="http://www.facebook.com"><img src="image-files/banner1.jpg" width="960" height="300" alt="baner"></a>   <img src="image-files/banner2.jpg" width="960" height="300" alt="baner">   <img src="image-files/banner3.jpg" width="960" height="300" alt="baner">   </div>   </div>   </section>

Thanks in advance!


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Is it possible to get instructions on how to reproduce the problem? Does the link show a page with an example of the issue in question?

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ok, so it looks like you are using a custom jquery plugin for this, right?http://slidesjs.com/ Did you see one of their examples of how to include links in a slideshow?http://slidesjs.com/examples/linking/ Although they are linking to slides, I don't see any reason why you can't make the href's any location you want. View the source of that code, and you will see the structure. It would really help to get a demo though so we can actually see the problem. Why can't you just make a test page just for the sake of demo'ing the issue? for my sites I usually make a beta folder where I upload a version of the site with new features for certain people to check out before I copy it over into the root folder.

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