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  1. Dear all: I am intending to use jQuery for an FAQ collapsible/uncollapsible text. Because my FAQ will contain essential information, I am keen to have it visible to everybody. Is there any limitation in relation to browser support of jQuery that I should be aware of?
  2. Hello Folks, I am trying to edit Circliful Jquery....but i am having 2 troubles: Not Compatible with IE 9,8,7 (Did not check it in ie 10 & 11 as i don't have it) and also Safari. Since these stats will be at the bottom of my page.. i want the animation to start when i scroll down to the stats block (default animation starts at the load of the page). https://github.com/pguso/jquery-plugin-circliful Link of the Jquery This is how my code looks like CSS .circliful { position: relative; float:left; color:#fff;}.circle-text, .circle-info, .circle-text-half, .circle-info-half { width: 100%; position: absolute; text-align: center; vertical-align:middle; display: inline-block;}.a5 { height:800px; width:100%; background-color:#c62229;}.a1 { height:800px; width:100%; background-color:blue;}.a2 { height:800px; width:100%; background-color:green;}.a3 { height:800px; width:100%; background-color:orange;} HTML <div class="a1"></div><div class="a2"></div><div class="a3"></div><div class="a4"></div><div class="a5"><div id="myStat1" data-dimension="250" data-text="35%" data-info="New Clients" data-width="30" data-fontsize="38" data-percent="35" data-fgcolor="#ffffff" data-bgcolor="#d4595f"></div><div id="myStat2" data-dimension="250" data-text="48%" data-info="New Clients" data-width="30" data-fontsize="38" data-percent="48" data-fgcolor="#ffffff" data-bgcolor="#d4595f"></div><div id="myStat3" data-dimension="250" data-text="56%" data-info="New Clients" data-width="30" data-fontsize="38" data-percent="56" data-fgcolor="#ffffff" data-bgcolor="#d4595f"></div><div id="myStat4" data-dimension="250" data-text="62%" data-info="New Clients" data-width="30" data-fontsize="38" data-percent="62" data-fgcolor="#ffffff" data-bgcolor="#d4595f"></div></div><script>$( document ).ready(function() { $('#myStat1').circliful(); $('#myStat2').circliful(); $('#myStat3').circliful(); $('#myStat4').circliful();});</script> Help appreciated
  3. I'm having some trouble getting this picture of mars and the main links surrounding it to be positioned correctly. I've surfed the web for hours trying to find a solution, but I just can't. I assume it's something to do with the css and they way I've declared their positions, but I can't pinpoint it exactly. I've tried using both absolute, fixed, relative positioning, and changing the offsets from percentages to pixels and everything like that (including setting the overflow to scrolled and hidden etc), but still no luck. It looks fine on my monitor, but when I go to another computer or resize my browser, it acts up in unwanted ways. Can anyone help? Relevant HTML: <html><head><link type="text/css" href="main.css" rel="stylesheet"><script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script></head><body><h1>Generic Welcome Message Here</h1><img id="earth" src="images/globe.gif" width="150" height="150" alt="globe.gif" /><img id="mars" src="images/mars.png" width="800" height="800" alt="mars.png" /><!--Navigation Bar --><a id="indexNav" href="index.html">Home</a><a id="aboutUsNav" href="aboutUs.html">About Us</a><a id="coverageNav" href="coverage.html">Coverage</a><a id="productsNav" href="products.html">Product Info</a><a id="ordersNav" href="orders.html">Inquiries-Orders</a><a id="contactUsNav" href="contactUs.html">Contact Us</a><a id="supportNav" href="support.html">Support</a><p id="footer">Copyright ©2014 Generic Title, All rights reserved</p></body></html> Here is my CSS for the entire page: body {overflow:hidden;background-image:url("images/space.jpg");}#earth {position:absolute;padding:0;left:200px;top:150px;}#mars {position:absolute;padding:0;right:-200px;}h1 {font:Palatino Linotype;color:white;text-decoration:underline;text-align:center;}p {font:"Times New Roman";font-size:20px;color:white;}#footer {position:fixed;bottom:-10px;right:5px;background::#355E95;font-size:15px;font-style:italic;}/*Navigation link section for homepage*/#indexNav{position:absolute; top:150px; right:400px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}#aboutUsNav{position:absolute; top:250px; right:450px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}#coverageNav{position:absolute; top:350px; right:500px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}#productsNav{position:absolute; top:450px; right:550px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}#ordersNav{position:absolute; top:550px; right:500px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}#contactUsNav{position:absolute; top:650px; right:450px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}#supportNav{position:absolute; top:750px; right:400px; z-index:2; font-size:30px; color:white;}
  4. I have developed gridview in asp.net. gridview is showing in Internet Explorer (IE) but not in mozilla firefox,chrome. please sort out my problem Following is my gridview code <asp:GridView ID="GridView2" style="table-layout:fixed;" Width="100%" AutoGenerateColumns ="False" AllowSorting="true" runat="server" CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="Both"> <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#DCDCDC"/> <Columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" > <ItemTemplate > <asp:label ID="label23" Font-Size="small" ToolTip ="click to see assembly page" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("AsbCd") %>' > </asp:label> </ItemTemplate> <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" Width="90px" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="center" /> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="small" > <ItemTemplate> <asp:label ID="label24" Font-Size="Small" ToolTip ="click to see assembly page" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("AsbNm") %>' > </asp:label> </ItemTemplate> <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" Width="90px" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign="Left" /> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:BoundField HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="left" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField HeaderText="" DataField="operators" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="left" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField HeaderText="" DataField="Days" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right"/> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="PlannedDt" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" DataFormatString="{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}" HtmlEncode="false" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="PlancedEnddt" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" DataFormatString="{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}" HtmlEncode="false" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="Operator" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="left" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="ActualDays" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="ActualStartDt" HeaderText=" " ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" DataFormatString="{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}" HtmlEncode="false" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="ActualEndDt" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell " DataFormatString="{0:dd-MMM-yyyy}" HtmlEncode="false" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="IssuePending" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell " > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="rack" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Right" /> </asp:BoundField> <asp:BoundField DataField="Remark" HeaderText="" ItemStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-Font-Size="Small" HeaderStyle-CssClass="fixedheadercell" > <HeaderStyle BorderStyle="Outset" /> <ItemStyle BorderStyle="Outset" HorizontalAlign ="Center" /> </asp:BoundField> </Columns> </asp:GridView>
  5. I am doing a asp project. In that i have fixed header of grid view. it looks perfect in internet explorer but when i open that page in mozilla or google chrome alignment of fixed gridview header and gridview changes. also in firefox datagrid cell's text color spreads over border it's not happening with chrome or IE but firefox doing this. please tell me how do i achieve browser compatibility in this case. Thanks, Rhishikesh Chogale following is the way i have done header fixing of gridview <table id="Table1" runat="server" cellpadding="1" border="1" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #999999; border-style: none; border-width: 1px; width: 100%;"> <tr style="background-color:#000000 "> <td align="center" style="width:08%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Assembly </font> </td> <td align="center" style="width:13%;" > <font color="#dddddd"> AssemblyName </font> </td> <td align="center" style="width:08%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Source </font> </td> <td align="center" style="width:13%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Operators </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;" > <font color="#dddddd"> Hours </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Start Date </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> End Date </font> </td> <td align="center" style="width:17%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Operators </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Hours </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;" > <font color="#dddddd"> Start Date </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> End Date </font> </td> <td style="width:04%;" > <font color="#dddddd"> Shortfall </font> </td> <td style="width:03%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Rack </font> </td> <td align="center" style="width:10%;"> <font color="#dddddd"> Remark </font> </td> </tr> </table> And following is the way i have fixed size of gridview by vb.net Protected Sub GridView2_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles GridView2.RowDataBound If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Header Then Dim cell As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(0) cell.Width = New Unit("08%") Dim cell1 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(1) cell1.Width = New Unit("13%") Dim cell2 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(2) cell2.Width = New Unit("08%") Dim cell3 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(3) cell3.Width = New Unit("13%") Dim cell4 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(4) cell4.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell5 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(5) cell5.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell6 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(6) cell6.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell7 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(7) cell7.Width = New Unit("17%") Dim cell8 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(8) cell8.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell9 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(9) cell9.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell10 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(10) cell10.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell11 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(11) cell11.Width = New Unit("05%") Dim cell12 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(12) cell12.Width = New Unit("04%") Dim cell13 As TableCell = e.Row.Cells(13) cell13.Width = New Unit("11%") End If End Sub
  6. hello, i have a problem regarding browser compatibility. in following images you can see in a cart panel they looking different in different browsers. plz give me solutions
  7. i have prob with brouwes compatability. this is the link http://datanova.co.in/demo/datanova/index.html top menu is looking good in chrome but in mozila there is some problem with menu tagline
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