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getting two rows


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Is it possible to search for two specific rows with one query?Here's examples:Query 1:

SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID=0 AND reviewers_ID=0

Query 2:

SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID=4 AND reviewers_ID=1

I'm to combine the above two query's, each of which should only return one row as they are now, into one query. I'd also tag on the appropriate tag to order it by "viewed_ID", but I'll worry about that later... Is it possible to do that?

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you can use union

SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID=0 AND reviewers_ID=0 unionSELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID=4 AND reviewers_ID=1 order by viewed_ID

you could also refine your select statment

SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID in (0,4) AND reviewers_ID in (0,4) order by viewed_ID --that would also give you viewed_ID = 4 when reviewers_ID = 0, may not be what you want

or this

SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID in (0,4) AND reviewers_ID = 		case viewed_ID 			when 0 then 0			when 4 then 1			endorder by viewed_ID

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you could also refine your select statment
SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID in (0,4) AND reviewers_ID in (0,4) order by viewed_ID --that would also give you viewed_ID = 4 when reviewers_ID = 0, may not be what you want

If that returns what I'm thinking it does then your right, it doesn't return what I want.
you can use union
SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID=0 AND reviewers_ID=0 unionSELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID=4 AND reviewers_ID=1 order by viewed_ID

or this

SELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_ID in (0,4) AND reviewers_ID = 		case viewed_ID 			when 0 then 0			when 4 then 1			endorder by viewed_ID

I think either of the two above would work, but which one would be more efficient?Edit: or would what I originally showed be just as efficient?Is there documentation somewhere on that last query, as this is the first time I've seen that, so I'd like to read up on it.
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Because I need both rows if they're there. Cause you see the row with 0 for values is going to contain default values that I need to compare the other row, that there's no telling what will have for value, against.

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Now I need to know the best way to put the the results from the two different rows and the individual columns into variable/array. should I do something like this?

<?php$query = mysql_query("SELECT share_info, share_email, share_website FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_id=0 AND reviewers_id=0UNIONSELECT * FROM wp_UserAllow WHERE viewed_id=1 AND reviewers_id=1ORDER BY viewed_id ASC") or die("Failed: " . mysql_error());while ( $rows = mysql_fetch_assoc( $query )) {	$num = 1;	$results = array 	(		$num=>array		(			"share_info"=>$rows['share_info'],			"share_email"=>$rows['share_email'],			"share_website"=>$rows['share_website']		)	)	$num++};echo "and now I can just echo " . $results['1']['share_info'] . " or " . $results['2']['share_email'] . " or whatever I want to do with the different array parts???";//I shouldn't ever have more than two rows return. I might throw an extra if in to check the number of rows, but I haven't decided yet.?>

I'll actually be using the stuff in if statements, but hopefully you get the idea of what I need... So, will it work?

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