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Learner Wants More

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Hello all, i am interested in gaining more knowledge and maybe qualifications in web design, i have made a few websites up for myself as a hobby and would like to be able to know how to do everything properly and make my own good looking design`s (instead of using templates) to take my hobby to the next level.I am in full time employment and am on here to ask what the best course to go on would be to learn about everything website design? For example if i was looking for a job as a web designer what qualifications would i need? and how would i gain them? I want to be able to make a good looking, fully functional website from start to finish, xhtml, css and php are my main objectives.thanks for any help/advice you can give me.Learner

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what have you made so far on your own? Most people wanting to hire someone will want to see a portfolio of their own original work, possibly coupled with some form of higher education. While it is basic enough to say read the tutorials and practice the languages on this site, that alone will probably only get you so far. In order to figure out what you're good at and what you may need help with, you're best bet is to just start creating sites, posting them on here for people's feedback, and see if your ambition matches your current talent/skill set.

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Hi thanks for the feed back, I havent as yet made any site`s completely on my own back, theres a few things i dont know how to do, css and making forms work being the main things, i wouldnt know where to start.There is also sourcing/making pictures for the websites to make them look better, this is a problem for me too.I basically just get a template of the net and alter them to incorparate what i`d like to add to them, as far as my knowledge will take me, I`ve only been playing about with websites for a few months, but it`s something i like doing and playing around with websites is as much of a hobby as bodybuilding is for me.I find myself up at 2-3 in the morning trying to make something look good (or as good as i can get it)/validate them or looking for new content to add ect, i also find myself drawing templates out with ideas for website designs, thing is i dont know how to make them and as i prefer doing websites than my full time job i`d like to learn how to do it properly.Joop aftershave off a template but this is something i have altered slightly as an example.thanks for anymore advice

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Like I alluded to in my previous post, practice makes perfect. Read the tutorials, try and put to code what you have on paper, and in time you will hopefully achieve the skill set you are seeking. Keep in mind people's views are all different, so what one potential client may like, another may not. The best thing is to understand who you are developing for, and try and match their vision of their company/organization/interest in the work you create for them. The main benefit (and conceivable limit) to designing for yourself is your own imagination; the truest way to progress is to work on concepts that challenge you, that will hopefully provide the means by which you can progress in this field.

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