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Posts posted by amakeler

  1. Hi all, Subject: newbie q: How do you horizontally center (align) a div ?I have looked thru all the CSS commands, but for some reason I could not seem to find a command to horizontally center (align) a <div>. I have taken somebody's good advice to put all my content in some sort of #content div, but now I have decided to make the content a certain width, say 900px, I can't find a way to center the #content div in the center of the browser window.So surely there must such a command? Thinking...or maybe not, coz every time somebody widens the browser the whole content will have to jump.Anyway...need help.avraham

  2. that is also the biggest drawback of programming language but we have to accept but if having only one language, does it sense pleased ???just imaging that you have to pass by several doors with different height, you must stoop, straight or even crawl ... I am talking about protocol :)
    I am starting to get more serious about CSS, so I read a CSS specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#q2 Belive it or not, but see 5.8.3 Class selectors, where it seems to say that you CAN specify class usage by using a dot notation, as I suggested with:<body><p.sans>This is a paragraph</p></body>(But I did not see that you can also define a class using the word "class"...)- avi
  3. that is also the biggest drawback of programming language but we have to accept but if having only one language, does it sense pleased ???just imaging that you have to pass by several doors with different height, you must stoop, straight or even crawl ... I am talking about protocol :)
    I am starting to get more serious about CSS, so I read a CSS specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#q2 Belive it or not, but see 5.8.3 Class selectors, where it seems to say that you CAN specify class usage by using a dot notation, as I suggested with:<body><p.sans>This is a paragraph</p></body>But I did not see that you can define a class using teh word "class".- avi
  4. Hi all, Subject: Observation on the Class selector - from CSS Newbie studentNow I am learning CSS from W3S, I just thought that I would point out that the syntax of the Class selector is the reverse of what is intuitive to an old-time programmer, imo.In C++ and other languages, you first define the class with the "Class" directive/key-word/reserved-word (or which ever word you use to indicate a "class"), and then you use it without stating the word "Class", so you get a short-hand notation in usage.However, in CSS I note that when you define the class you do not specify the word 'class", but when you use the class you do specify the word 'class", which causes a very long-winded usage notation, and which has to be repeated every time. Below is an example from the tutorial:<head>p.sansserif {font-family: sans-serif}</head><body><p class="sansserif">This is a paragraph</p></body>I would have designed it like this: <head>p Class sans {font-family: sans-serif}</head><body><p.sans>This is a paragraph</p></body>- avi

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