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Posts posted by otenjoxi

  1. Hello,I did not really care to read *all* of the replies, but I noticed the mention of conditional comments; these are marvelous!Please use the following link to learn more about them, directly from Microsoft:http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/...comment_ovw.aspGood luck with your endeavors.DustinP.S. Internet Explorer's support of CSS (version 6 and below) is horrid. IE 7 has improved some things, but there are still some of the good, 'ol fashion bugs there.

  2. Ah, I almost forgot...The JavaScript solution that Mr_CHISOL recommended most likely only enables itself in Internet Explorer. I'm not too hardcore into JavaScript so I can't say for sure. If it does enable itself in non-IE browsers, perhaps that's something that should be looked at. :)

  3. Hi Sunshine,It is impossible to be just CSS if you want the menu to work in Internet Explorer - period. Internet Explorer 6 and below do not support the :hover pseudoclass on anything other than a link.Also, the Son of Suckerfish menus are not supported in Internet Explorer 5 on the Mac. If this is not a concern to you, don't bother. Most people would say screw it because MSIE 5 on the Mac has been discontinued, but I work in a school district and many of the computers (especially Mac OS 9) are stuck with it.I was also having problems in internet explorer with submenus and getting them to display one tier at a time, but I wrote my own JavaScript to fix it.If you still have trouble, let us know. There is a lot of talent here.DustinP.S.A clean menu can function properly with just this code:<ul id="something"><li><a href="">asdasd</a><ul><li><a href="">asda</a></li></ul></li></ul>In my opinion, cluttering of HTML is not recommended. (I.E. the table solution that was implemented for IE.)

  4. Hahaha, crap! I need to learn to read... sheesh. I'll leave my post above for random information...It depends on what kind of three-column layout you're using, but I'll give it a go.#nestedLeft{ float: left; width: 150px;}#nestedRight{ float: right; width: 150px;}#nestedMiddle{ margin: 0 150px; /* shortcut: first number is top and bottom, second is right and left */}A clearing solution afterwards and that will work. The left and right margins on the nested middle need to be the width or greater of the left and right floats respectively. There will be some quirks in Internet Explorer with this solution, most likely the 3-pixel crap. You could also use absolute positioning but you lose some design control. Make sure the right and left floats are inside of the #centerContent but before the #nestedMiddle. If you need more help let me know. Gotta run!

  5. I have a three column layout and I've just put a lot of new divs within the div #centercontent so I can try and arrange another three columns within the center div.
    * Please read post below, I left this here for info. *Lets say here is what you are trying to accomplish:<div id="centerContent"> <div id="one">...</div> <div id="two">...</div> <div id="three">...</div> <div id="four">...</div> <div id="five">...</div> <div id="six">...</div></div>Well, in your current code:#one{ position: relative; left: 15px; top: 15px;}Each of the nested divs above will be on their own line and will stretch 100% of the width of the parent container (#centerContent) which is default behavior for divs. They will also be moved relative to their original position. If you want to see what I mean, assign each of the divs a background color.Try this:#one,#two,#three,#four,#five,#six{ float: left; width: 25px; /* of course change this to whatever is necessary */}That'll get you six divs that are 25 pixels wide and will line up next to each other. You should follow that (because they are floats) with a clearing div or the like.For example:<div class="clear"> </div>The associated code:.clear{ clear: both;}There are more advanced ways to clear floats, but this works too.I can't really say much more because I don't know enough information.Good luck.
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