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Posts posted by berdu

  1. Hello all, I need some help. I have some variants which i get from my Database. (access or SQL) Until here all ok.But i need to send some variants to a excel file. But i need to send those values to exact cells there. I've tryed and searched some info on the web but cudn found a clean and simple sample syntax + code. I connect problemless to my excel file : Set cn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")cn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("exceldb.xls") & ";" & _"DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" then i try to use "insert", like ; SQL = "INSERT INTO Sheet1 (A1:A1) VALUES (SampleValue)"set rs = cn.execute(SQL) Above the syntax doesnt work. How should it be correct ? or also by reading from a cell like; SQL = "SELECT * FROM A1:A1" <------ this doenst work of course...set rs = cn.execute(SQL) %> Thank you in advance for tips & Help.

  2. Hi there guys, I have a serious problem, couldnt solve it. My problem; Im posting some Form values which are integer and i catch them with a "For each in Request.form()" at server side.But there is 1 textarea which i dont wanna get in the "For each" loop. ------------------my codes are : (they work without any problems for me) so practicaly i dont wanna get the Request.Form("description") in the loop belove. how can i by pass or ignore it ? Thank you for answers <%......For Each x in Split(Request.Form(),",") GP = Split(x,"&")GA = Ubound(GP)for i = 0 to GA ayir = split(GP(i),"=")YID = ayir(0)adet = ayir(1) set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")rs.open "select * from Tbl" , conn , 1 , 3rs.addnewrs("IEID") = Request.QueryString("EI")rs("YID") = YIDrs("Adet") = adetrs.update nextnext %>

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