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Posts posted by S@m

  1. If you are having this much trouble getting both browsers to work, I would suggest starting over and use the method I posted.It will take about 5 min. to set up and all your problems will be solved. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. :)

  2. Hmmmm.Unless there is a reason you want to do otherwise, I would do this:HTML:

    <div id="nav"><ul><li><a href="about.html">about</a></li><li><a href="space520.html">space520</a></li></ul></div>


    #nav ul {float:right;position:relative;list-style-type:none;}#nav ul li {display:inline;padding-left:20px;background-color:#000;}

    That way, your list will display inline, and float to the right like you have. Play around with those settings and you should find the result you are looking for.


    Are you working in/with Java?Either way, an anchor tag is an anchor tag.We have similar code, and I use the syntax that jlhaslip has suggested without problems.Just put that code at the top of your css file. That way its a global setting. It should work...*edit*Sorry, jesh asked the same things I did. Sorry for the repeat.

  3. This is what I use, and IMO, it's all you need.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="style.css" /><!--[if lte IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="style_IE.css" /><![endif]--><!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="style_IE7.css" /><![endif]-->

  4. You are over-writting yourself.You are saying "If anything later than IE7 use this"But right below that you are saying "If anything later than IE6 use this"The browser doesn't know what to do.Just use

    <!--[if  IE 7]>

  5. Hi!I'm not an expert, but hopefully this should help clear a few things up.Absolute:This is just what it sounds like. It's absolute position on the screen. No matter what else happens on the screen, it will always sit at the same x,y coordinates that you set.So, say I have a div called "name" with styles:

    #name {position:absolute;top:30px;left:30px;}

    Whatever is in that name div will always be at 30px from the top and 30px from the left. It's position is locked in, and nothing can change it. Even if I have content that goes over it. You can also use z-index with this to place this div on a higher level. That way it will always be on top of everything else. Handy for a logo or something.Relative:This will place elements based on where other things are. So If I have my name div with a relative position, it will be 30px from the top of the element above it, and 30px from the element on the left of it. So, if I move the elements to the top and left over, this will also move my name div. This is called a "fluid" layout.If I tired that to move it with absolute positioning, the name div would not move, the content would overlap it or something else funky would happen.You can also use z-index with relative positioning.IE6 has a peek-a-boo bug. If you float elements, you will need to give them a relative position. Otherwise they may not display. What a cool feature! :)Hope this helps!

  6. I would use xhtml 1.0 vs. html.Just a cleaner way. Why use "older" stuff when the new is better?Try this doctype:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

    Really, there isn't that much difference.*edit*make sure you use px for a unit (or at least some sort of unit)

  7. Hmmm, well...I have done it this way in the past and has worked well.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title><style type="text/css">#nav {border:1px solid #ccc;}#nav ul {list-style-type:none;}#nav ul li {padding:3px 0 0 0;}#nav ul li ul li {background:url(pdf-icon.gif) left no-repeat;padding-left:20px;margin-left:-30px;}</style></head><body><div id="nav">	<ul>	<li><a href="" rel="next" title="Something">Something</a></li>	<li><a href="" rel="next" title="Something">Something</a></li>	<li><a href="" rel="next" title="Something">Something</a>	<ul>		<li><a href="" rel="next" title="Something">Something</a></li>		<li><a href="" rel="next" title="Something">Something</a></li>	</ul></li>	<li><a href="" rel="next" title="Something">Something</a></li></ul></div></body></html>

    You will need to change the image and path of course, but this should help get you started. I just used a background image for the nested list. The negative margin is to pull it back inside the list. You can remove it, and the list will just pop out like standard display.Hope this helps!

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