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Posts posted by vertigoChuck

  1. I am digitizing my family's address book into a format and location that we can all access. I understand enough about XML to input addresses and other contact info, but I was intrigued by the example on the XML HTTP Request page that involved a string search function that would work perfectly as opposed to displaying contacts a few at a time and making sure they are in alphabetical order in the .xml file. While searching through the source code of the function on the page, I found no reference to loading the .xml file that acts as the name list to search from. I realize that there is a lot of server-side functionality with .asp on the website, and I can not locate that source code. The page that it sends the request to, gethint.asp, only contains the return value of the query, not any functionality of which .xml document it loads, or the search algorithm that it uses. Please point me in the right direction on how the server side of this function works so that I can implement it in my address book project.

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