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Posts posted by Nuker_Viper

  1. ok i designed a multipart recruitment time editor for this site and tested and it worked fine 4 days ago no edits since then and now it is not working. here is the error:

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= '3:00pm EST'' at line 1
    it comes up in ** elseif($p == "Schedule_TMH") { ** after submitting the data. Here is the primary code:
    <?phpif(checkLogin(MEMBER_NAME, MEMBER_PASS) AND checkRank(MEMBER_RANK, $pid)) {include("include/classes/class_global.php");if($p == "") {echo "<table align='center' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' width='600' bordercolor='FFCC33'><tr><td bordercolor='FFCC33' class='titles' align='center'><b>Manage: Ten Minutes of ######</b></td></tr><tr><td bordercolor='FFCC33' style='border-top-width: 0px' class='main'><br><blockquote>This Shows all Trial Members who are in TMH Stage, reguardless if they have passed, failed, not been scheduled, or are awaiting thier TMH. Note that changing thier TMH times, weather by schuduling them or re-scheduling them, will result in a PM to that Trial Member informing on this.<br><br>";$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}requestjoin WHERE ip_check != '0' AND elite_check != '0' AND screenname_check != '0' AND next_stage != '0' AND completed_tmh = '0' ORDER BY tmh_time_int ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);foreach($row AS $key => $value) { ${$key} = addslashes(textFilter($value)); }if($tmh_time_int == 0) { $tmh_time_info = "<font color='green'> - TMH not Scheduled</font>"; $Console_Manage_tmh = "<a href='console.php?pid=$pid&p=Schedule_TMH&join_id=$id&name=$name'>| Schedule TMH |</a>"; }elseif($tmh_time_int == 1) { $tmh_time_info = "<font color='green'> - TMH at $tmh_time</font>"; $Console_Manage_tmh = "<a href='console.php?pid=$pid&p=Passed_TMH&join_id=$id'>| Passed TMH |</a><a href='console.php?pid=$pid&p=Schedule_TMH&join_id=$id&name=$name'>| Re-Schedule TMH |</a><a href='console.php?pid=$pid&p=Failed_TMH&join_id=$id'>| Failed TMH |</a>"; } echo "<tr><td class='main' align='center' width='600'><br><b>$name</b>$tmh_time_info<br><br>$Console_Manage_tmh<br><br></td</tr>";}echo "</blockquote></td></tr></table>";} /// THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR COMES UP ///elseif($p == "Schedule_TMH") {if($submit) {if($tmh_time1 != "USED") {$recruits_id = getMemberInfo("id", $name);$rec_timezone = getMemberInfo("timezone", $name);$new_time = getConvertedTime("converted", $rec_timezone, $tmh_time1);$message1 = "Your TMH time has been changed to $new_time on $this_saturday. Disreguard all other messages reguarding your TMH time. Please be online ready to go 10 minutes prior to this time. Also it is best that you update your profile and re-read the rules of the clan.";$query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}privatemessages (sender_id, receiver_id, datesent, subject, message, status, originalpm_id) VALUES ('$memid', '$recruits_id', '$time', 'Your TMH Time', '$message1', '1', '$original')";$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());$query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}requestjoin SET tmh_time_int = '1', tmh_time = '$tmh_time1' WHERE id = '$join_id'";$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());echo "<table width='400' border='0' align='center'><tr><td class='main' width='400' border='3' bordercolor='#FFCC33'>$tmh_success</td></tr></table>"; }else {echo "<table width='400' border='0' align='center'><tr><td class='main' width='400' border='3' bordercolor='#FFCC33'>$tmh_sorry</td></tr></table>";}}elseif(!$submit) {if($mem_timezone_id == 3) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>10:00am - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>10:30am - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>11:00am - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>11:30am - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>12:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>12:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>1:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>1:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>2:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>2:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 4) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>11:00am - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>11:30am - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>12:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>12:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>1:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>1:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>2:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>2:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>3:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>3:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 5) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>12:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>12:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>1:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>1:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>2:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>2:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>3:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>3:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>4:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>4:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 6) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>1:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>1:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>2:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>2:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>3:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>3:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>4:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>4:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>5:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>5:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 7) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>2:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>2:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>3:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>3:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>4:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>4:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>5:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>5:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>6:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>6:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 8) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>3:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>3:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>4:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>4:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>5:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>5:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>6:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>6:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>7:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>7:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 9) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>4:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>4:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>5:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>5:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>6:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>6:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>7:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>7:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>8:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>8:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 10) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>4:30pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>5:00pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>5:30pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>6:00pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>6:30pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>7:00pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>7:30pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>8:00pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>8:30pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>9:00pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 11) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>5:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>5:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>6:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>6:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>7:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>7:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>8:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>8:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>9:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>9:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 12) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>6:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>6:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>7:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>7:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>8:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>8:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>9:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>9:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>10:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>10:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}elseif($mem_timezone_id == 13) {$time_options = "<option value='$pm3'>7:00pm - $pm3USED</option><option value='$pm35'>7:30pm - $pm35USED</option><option value='$pm4'>8:00pm - $pm4USED</option><option value='$pm45'>8:30pm - $pm45USED</option><option value='$pm5'>9:00pm - $pm5USED</option><option value='$pm55'>9:30pm - $pm55USED</option><option value='$pm6'>10:00pm - $pm6USED</option><option value='$pm65'>10:30pm - $pm65USED</option><option value='$pm7'>11:00pm - $pm7USED</option><option value='$pm75'>11:30pm - $pm75USED</option>";$contact = "";}else {$time_options = "An ERROR Occured";$contact = "<br>Contact:<br>$OpsComm_tmh<br>";}echo "<form action='console.php?pid=$pid&p=Schedule_TMH&join_id=$join_id&name=$name' method='post'><table width='600' border='1' bordercolor='#000000' align='center'><tr><td class='main' width='600' border='1' bordercolor='#FFCC33' align='center'><select name='tmh_time1' class='form'>$time_options</select>$contact</td></tr><tr><td class='titles' align='center' width='600' border='2' bordercolor='#FFCC33'><br><br><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit Time' class='apps_formbutton'></td></tr></table></form>"; }}elseif($p == "Passed_TMH") {$query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}requestjoin SET tmh_time_int = '2' WHERE id = '$join_id'";$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());echo "<table width='400' border='0' align='center'><tr><td class='main' width='400' border='3' bordercolor='#FFCC33'>$tmh_success2</td></tr></table>"; }elseif($p == "Failed_TMH") {$query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}requestjoin SET tmh_time_int = '3' WHERE id = '$join_id'";$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());echo "<table width='400' border='0' align='center'><tr><td class='main' width='400' border='3' bordercolor='#FFCC33'>$tmh_success3</td></tr></table>"; }}else {echo "<table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='550'><tr><td class='main' align='center'><img src='images/restrictedarea.png' border='0'></td></tr></table>";} ?>

    here is the global.php file:

    <?phpinclude("include/classes/class_member.php");include("include/classes/class_tmh.php");include("include/classes/class_recruitment.php");include("include/classes/class_staff.php");$tmh_message = "Choose a time to do your Evaluation.<br><br>These times are auto made to ($mem_timezone) timezone. If this timezone is wrong then go to \"Edit Profile\" in \"Your Account\" and select the correct timezone.<br><br><b>* NOTE *</b><br>If a time frame says \"Used\" then you cannot choose that time as we have someone else there; if you cannot do any of these times then contact:<br>$OpsComm_tmh<br>";$tmh_sorry = "Sorry you Picked a Used time.<br><br>Questions? - Comments? - Problems?<br><b>Contact:</b><br>$OpsComm_tmh<br><br>"; $tmh_success = "Update Complete: Time Selected..<br><br>Questions? - Comments? - Problems?<br><b>Contact:</b><br>$OpsComm_tmh<br><br>";$tmh_success2 = "Update Complete: Recruit has Passed Ten Minutes of ######..<br><br><a href='console.php'>| Your Account |</a><a href='console.php?pid=$pid'>| Manage: TMH Home |</a><br><br>";$tmh_success3 = "Update Complete: Recruit has Failed Ten Minutes of ######..<br><br><a href='console.php'>| Your Account |</a><a href='console.php?pid=$pid'>| Manage: TMH Home |</a><br><br>";$this_saturday = date('l jS F (Y-m-d)', strtotime('this Saturday'));?>

    here is the class_tmh.php:

    <?php$time_3 = countTMHtimes("3:00pm EST");$time_35 = countTMHtimes("3:30pm EST");$time_4 = countTMHtimes("4:00pm EST");$time_45 = countTMHtimes("4:30pm EST");$time_5 = countTMHtimes("5:00pm EST");$time_55 = countTMHtimes("5:30pm EST");$time_6 = countTMHtimes("6:00pm EST");$time_65 = countTMHtimes("6:30pm EST");$time_7 = countTMHtimes("7:00pm EST");$time_75 = countTMHtimes("7:30pm EST"); if($time_3 != 1) { $pm3 = "3:00pm EST"; $pm3USED = "Open"; } else { $pm3 = "USED"; $pm3USED = "Used"; }if($time_35 != 1) { $pm35 = "3:30pm EST"; $pm35USED = "Open"; } else { $pm35 = "USED"; $pm35USED = "Used"; }if($time_4 != 1) { $pm4 = "4:00pm EST"; $pm4USED = "Open"; } else { $pm4 = "USED"; $pm4USED = "Used"; }if($time_45 != 1) { $pm45 = "4:30pm EST"; $pm45USED = "Open"; } else { $pm45 = "USED"; $pm45USED = "Used"; }if($time_5 != 1) { $pm5 = "5:00pm EST"; $pm5USED = "Open"; } else { $pm5 = "USED"; $pm5USED = "Used"; }if($time_55 != 1) { $pm55 = "5:30pm EST"; $pm55USED = "Open"; } else { $pm55 = "USED"; $pm55USED = "Used"; }if($time_6 != 1) { $pm6 = "6:00pm EST"; $pm6USED = "Open"; } else { $pm6 = "USED"; $pm6USED = "Used"; }if($time_65 != 1) { $pm65 = "6:30pm EST"; $pm65USED = "Open"; } else { $pm65 = "USED"; $pm65USED = "Used"; }if($time_7 != 1) { $pm7 = "7:00pm EST"; $pm7USED = "Open"; } else { $pm7 = "USED"; $pm7USED = "Used"; }if($time_75 != 1) { $pm75 = "7:30pm EST"; $pm75USED = "Open"; } else { $pm75 = "USED"; $pm75USED = "Used"; }?>

    and lastly here is the function from the functions page:

    function getConvertedTime($needed, $timezone, $s_time) {global $dbprefix;$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}timezone_convert WHERE tz = '$timezone' AND convert = '$s_time'";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);@extract($row); return $$needed;}

  2. when someone doen't fill the entire app out - it will display the areas they mess uped as an error like below. The problem i am having is: If submit it blank it should say all of them are errors but all i get is 1 and if i miss a few then it only displays a random error of the one of them i missed. here is the code and an example of the output.

    <?php/*======================================================================*\|| #################################################################### |||| # Clan SwFd  -- Recruitment System V5							   # |||| # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # |||| # Copyright ©2008-2013 Nuker_Viper All Rights Reserved.			# |||| # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # |||| # ------------------- THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ------------------ # |||| # http://www.swfclan.com										   # |||| #################################################################### ||\*======================================================================*/// ###### Recruitment System 5.2.7 ######?><center><h2>Request To Join</h2></center><br><br><?php$reqcount = getWSInfo("reqjoincount");$maxreq = getWSInfo("maxjoinreq");if($reqcount < $maxreq) {if(!$submit) {$claname = getWSInfo("clanname");$PIS = "<img src='images/apps/personal.gif' border='0'>";$AIS = "<img src='images/apps/apps.gif' border='0'>";$GIS = "<img src='images/apps/gamer.gif' border='0'>";for($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {$tempmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2007));$bdaymonthoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$tempmonth</option>";}for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {$bdaydayoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}$currentyear = date("Y");$finalyear = $currentyear-100;for($i=$currentyear; $i>=$finalyear; $i--) {$bdayyearoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}timezone ORDER BY timezid ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$tz_options .= "<option value='$tz'>$gmt</option>";}$dst_options .= "<option value='Off'>No</option><option value='On'>Yes</option>";$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}gamingstyles ORDER BY gs_id ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);{$primary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name'>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";$secondary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name'>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";}echo "<blockquote><b>READ CAREFULLY</b><br>Please read and take your time when filling out this form. Accurate info on this form will speed up the process. Inaccuate info may result refusal to join or slow processing time.</b><br>If you would like to request joining <b>Clan SwFd</b> please fill out the form below <b>ENTIRLY</b>. Fill out ONE request to join and a member of personnel will contact you if you qualify.</blockquote><br><align='left'><br><b>NOTE that all fields are required. This Application is broken up into 3 sections. Each Section has its own Validator meaning if you miss a something it will tell you to go back and fix it, before continuing on to the next section. You must Complete all 3 sections before it will submit your application to join SwFd. Most of this information is to set-up your basic Profile and removes alot of time between the recruiter and the protential member.</b><br></align><br><br<br><form action='index.php?p=Join' method='post'><table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' width='600'><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$PIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your PSN/PS3 Screen Name:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='name1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Your screen name will be your username on our site. It must be the exact way its spelled on the PS3/PSN with CAPS, lowercase, and Numbers. It is also the only way we will contact you so spell it right.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose a Password:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='password1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>This will be used as your password for our site. REMEMBER WHAT YOU PUT HERE! No Special Charaters.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Valid Email Address:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='email1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Used with Retieve Password Feature on our site. Our clan and Staff will never send you SPAM from this Clan.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Location:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>State:</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'>Country:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='state1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'><input type='text' name='country1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Needed for geographical purposes.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Age (Don't Lie):</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='age1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Age is needed for tournament information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Birthday:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><select name='bdaymonth1' class='form'>$bdaymonthoptions</select> <select name='bdayday1' class='form'>$bdaydayoptions</select> <select name='bdayyear1' class='form'>$bdayyearoptions</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Birthday is needed for Call of Duty: Elite information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gender:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Male' CHECKED>Male<input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Female'>Female</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your TimeZone:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone1' class='form'>$tz_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone_dst1' class='form'>$dst_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Your timezone is needed so we know what time is it compared to our Staff members time.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Are you currently under Daylight Savings Time?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>About Me</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='message1' class='form' rows='10' cols='100'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Tells us about yourself. As the Team Leaders we like to know who is under our leadership on a more personal level not just a hey you level. Also the more we know about you, the smaller chance of a misuderstanding happening.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$GIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose Your Main Game</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops'>Black Ops<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: MW3'>CoD: MW3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='Mass Effect 3'>Mass Effect 3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops 2' checked>CoD: Black Ops 2</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>The game you play most.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Do you currently have a Working Mic?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'workingmic1' class='form' value='NO' CHECKED>No <input type='radio' name= 'workingmic1' class='form' value='YES'>YES</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>You must have a Mic that is currently working.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Style:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Primary Style</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Secondary Style</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='pri_style1' class='form'>$primary_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='sec_style1' class='form'>$secondary_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your main gaming style.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your secondary or alternative gaming style.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingstyle1' class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Describe in detail how do you play.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Times:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingtimes1' class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>When do you play the game?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$AIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Referral?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='refer1' class='form'></td></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>What is the Screen Name of who refered you to our site. If it was by a search engine then use the search engine name as the referral.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Previous Clans:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>List the past 6 (six) clans you were/are in before applying to SwFd starting with clan 1 as the most recent. If the field is not needed the leave it blank.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_tag1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_name1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_website1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_tag1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_tag1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_name1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_name1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_website1' class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_website1' class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><br><tr><td class='titles' align='center' colspan='6' border='2' bordercolor='#000000'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit Application for Review' class='apps_formbutton'></td></tr></table></form>";}elseif($submit) {$dispErrors = "";$dispCorrects = "";$errors = 0;$corrects = 0; if($name1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Name: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($name1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Name: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($password1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Password: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($password1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Password: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($email1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Email: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($email1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Email: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($state1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "State: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($state1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "State: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($country1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Country: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($country1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Country: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($age1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Age: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($age1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Age: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($message1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "About Me: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($message1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "About Me: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($gamingstyle1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Gaming Style: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($gamingstyle == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Gaming Style: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($gamingtimes1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Gaming Times: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($gamingtimes == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Gaming Times: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}if($refer1 != "") {$corrects++;$dispCorrects = "Referral: <font color='green'>Ok</font><br>";}elseif($refer1 == "") {  $errors++;  $dispErrors = "Referral: <font color='red'>Error - Cannot be left Blank</font><br>";}  if($errors >= 1) { $dispError_Info = "The following errors were found:<br><br>$dispErrors"; }elseif($errors < 1) { $dispError_Info = "No Errors Found!"; }if($corrects >= 1) { $dispCorrect_Info = "Checks:<br>$dispCorrects"; }elseif($corrects < 1) { $dispCorrect_Info = "Checks:<br>ZERO Things Correct JackAss"; } if($errors >= 1) {echo "<table align='center' width='500' border='0'><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispCorrect_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispError_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr></table>";$PIS = "<img src='images/apps/personal.gif' border='0'>";$AIS = "<img src='images/apps/apps.gif' border='0'>";$GIS = "<img src='images/apps/gamer.gif' border='0'>";$bday1 = mktime(0,0,0,$bdaymonth1,$bdayday1,$bdayyear1);$bdaymonth = date("n", $bday);$bdayday = date("j", $bday);$bdayyear = date("Y", $bday);for($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {if($bdaymonth == $i) {$tempmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2007));$bdaymonthoptions .= "<option value='$i' selected>$tempmonth</option>";}else {$tempmonth = date("F", mktime(0,0,0,$i,1,2007));$bdaymonthoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$tempmonth</option>";}}for($i=1; $i<=31; $i++) {if($bdayday == $i) {$bdaydayoptions .= "<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>";}else {$bdaydayoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}}$currentyear = date("Y");$finalyear = $currentyear-100;for($i=$currentyear; $i>=$finalyear; $i--) {if($bdayyear == $i) {$bdayyearoptions .= "<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>";}else {$bdayyearoptions .= "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";}}$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}timezone ORDER BY timezid ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$tz_options .= "<option value='$tz' selected>$gmt</option>";}if($dst_options == "Off") { $dst_options .= "<option value='Off' selected>No</option><option value='On'>Yes</option>"; }elseif($dst_options == "On") { $dst_options .= "<option value='Off'>No</option><option value='On' selected>Yes</option>"; }$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}gamingstyles ORDER BY gs_id ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);extract($row);{$primary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name' selected>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";$secondary_options .= "<option value='$gs_name' selected>$gs_name - $gs_info</option>";}if($game1 == "CoD: Black Ops") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($game1 == "CoD: MW3") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($game1 == "Mass Effect 3") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($game1 == "CoD: Black Ops 2") { $gameSELECT = "selected"; }if($mic1 == "No") { $micSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($mic1 == "Yes") { $micSELECT = "selected"; }if($gender1 == "Male") { $genderSELECT = "selected"; }elseif($gender1 == "Female") { $genderSELECT = "selected"; }echo "<blockquote><b>READ CAREFULLY</b><br>Please read and take your time when filling out this form. Accurate info on this form will speed up the process. Inaccuate info may result refusal to join or slow processing time.</b><br>If you would like to request joining <b>Clan SwFd</b> please fill out the form below <b>ENTIRLY</b>. Fill out ONE request to join and a member of personnel will contact you if you qualify.</blockquote><br><align='left'><br><b>NOTE that all fields are required. This Application is broken up into 3 sections. Each Section has its own Validator meaning if you miss a something it will tell you to go back and fix it, before continuing on to the next section. You must Complete all 3 sections before it will submit your application to join SwFd. Most of this information is to set-up your basic Profile and removes alot of time between the recruiter and the protential member.</b><br></align><br><br<br><form action='index.php?p=Join' method='post'><table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' width='600'><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$PIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your PSN/PS3 Screen Name:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='name1' value=\"$name1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Your screen name will be your username on our site. It must be the exact way its spelled on the PS3/PSN with CAPS, lowercase, and Numbers. It is also the only way we will contact you so spell it right.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose a Password:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='password1' value=\"$password1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>This will be used as your password for our site. REMEMBER WHAT YOU PUT HERE! No Special Charaters.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Valid Email Address:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='email1' value=\"$email1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Used with Retieve Password Feature on our site. Our clan and Staff will never send you SPAM from this Clan.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Location:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>State:</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'>Country:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='state1' value=\"$state1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='main'><input type='text' name='country1' value=\"$country1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Needed for geographical purposes.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Age (Don't Lie):</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='age1' value=\"$age1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Age is needed for tournament information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Birthday:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><select name='bdaymonth1' class='form'>$bdaymonthoptions</select> <select name='bdayday1' class='form'>$bdaydayoptions</select> <select name='bdayyear1' class='form'>$bdayyearoptions</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Birthday is needed for Call of Duty: Elite information.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gender:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Male' $genderSELECT>Male<input type='radio' name= 'gender1' class='form' value='Female' $genderSELECT>Female</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Your TimeZone:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone1' class='form'>$tz_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='timezone_dst1' class='form'>$dst_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Your timezone is needed so we know what time is it compared to our Staff members time.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Are you currently under Daylight Savings Time?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>About Me</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='message1' value=\"$message1\" class='form' rows='10' cols='100'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Tells us about yourself. As the Team Leaders we like to know who is under our leadership on a more personal level not just a hey you level. Also the more we know about you, the smaller chance of a misuderstanding happening.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$GIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Choose Your Main Game</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops' $gameSELECT>Black Ops<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: MW3' $gameSELECT>CoD: MW3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='Mass Effect 3' $gameSELECT>Mass Effect 3<input type='radio' name= 'game1' class='form' value='CoD: Black Ops 2'$gameSELECT>CoD: Black Ops 2</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>The game you play most.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Do you currently have a Working Mic?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='radio' name= 'mic1' class='form' value='No' $micSELECT>No <input type='radio' name= 'mic1' class='form' value='Yes' $micSELECT>YES</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>You must have a Mic that is currently working.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Style:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Primary Style</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'>Secondary Style</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='pri_style1' class='form'>$primary_options</select></td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_main'><select name='sec_style1' class='form'>$secondary_options</select></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your main gaming style.</td><td align='center' colspan='3' class='apps_info'>Select what is your secondary or alternative gaming style.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingstyle1' value=\"$gameingstyle1\" class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>Describe in detail how do you play.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Gaming Times:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><textarea name='gamingtimes1' value=\"$gamingtimes1\" class='form' rows='5' cols='50'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>When do you play the game?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'>$AIS<td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Referral?</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_main'><input type='text' name='refer1' value=\"$refer1\" class='form'></td></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>What is the Screen Name of who refered you to our site. If it was by a search engine then use the search engine name as the referral.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_titles' bgcolor='#999999'>Previous Clans:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6' class='apps_info'>List the past 6 (six) clans you were/are in before applying to SwFd starting with clan 1 as the most recent. If the field is not needed the leave it blank.</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_tag1' value=\"$pc_one_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_tag1' value=\"$pc_two_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_tag1' value=\"$pc_three_tag1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_name1' value=\"$pc_one_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_name1' value=\"$pc_two_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_name1' value=\"$pc_three_name1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 1: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_one_website1' value=\"$pc_one_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 2: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_two_website1' value=\"$pc_two_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 3: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_three_website1' value=\"$pc_three_website1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5:</td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6:</td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_tag1' value=\"$pc_four_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_tag1' value=\"$pc_five_tag1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Tag: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_tag1' value=\"$pc_six_tag1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_name1' value=\"$pc_four_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_name1' value=\"$pc_five_name1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Name: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_name1' value=\"$pc_six_name1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 4: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_four_website1' value=\"$pc_four_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 5: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_five_website1' value=\"$pc_five_website1\" class='form'></td><td align='center' colspan='2' class='apps_main'>Clan 6: Website: <br><input type='text' name='pc_six_website1' value=\"$pc_six_website1\" class='form'></td></tr><tr><td align='center' colspan='6'> </td></tr><br><tr><td class='titles' align='center' colspan='6' border='2' bordercolor='#000000'><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Re-Submit Application for Review' class='apps_formbutton'></td></tr></table></form>"; }elseif($errors < 1) {echo "<table align='center' width='500' border='0'><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispCorrect_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='left' width='500'>$dispError_Info</td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr><tr><td align='center' width='500'> </td></tr></table>";echo "<center><blockquote>Thank you for your request! IF you qualify - a member of our Staff will contact you.</blockquote></center>"; $bday1 = mktime(0,0,0,$bdaymonth1,$bdayday1,$bdayyear1);$dateINFO = date("l, F j, Y  g:i A");$query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}requestjoin (name, password, email, state, country, age, bday, gender, timezone, timezone_dst, message, game, mic, pri_style, sec_style, gamingstyle, gamingtimes, refer, daterequested, status, ipnum, pc_one_tag, pc_one_name, pc_one_website, pc_two_tag, pc_two_name, pc_two_website, pc_three_tag, pc_three_name, pc_three_website, pc_four_tag, pc_four_name, pc_four_website, pc_five_tag, pc_five_name, pc_five_website, pc_six_tag, pc_six_name, pc_six_website) VALUES ('$name1', '$password1', '$email1', '$state1', '$country', '$age1', '$bday1', '$gender1', '$timezone1', '$timezone_dst1', '$message1', '$game1', '$mic1', '$pri_style1', '$sec_style1', '$gamingstyle1', '$gamingtimes1', '$refer1', '$dateINFO', '$ip', '$pc_one_tag1', '$pc_one_name1', '$pc_one_website1', '$pc_two_tag1', '$pc_two_name1', '$pc_two_website1', '$pc_three_tag1', '$pc_three_name1', '$pc_three_website1', '$pc_four_tag1', '$pc_four_name1', '$pc_four_website1', '$pc_five_tag1', '$pc_five_name1', '$pc_five_website1', '$pc_six_tag1', '$pc_six_name1', '$pc_six_website1')";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}temp_members_db (name, password, email, age, bday, gender, timezone, timezone_dst, game, pri_style, sec_style, gamingstyle, gamingtimes) VALUES ('$name1', '$password1', '$email1', '$age1', '$bday1', '$gender1', '$timezone1', '$timezone_dst1', '$game1', '$pri_style1', '$sec_style1', '$gamingstyle1', '$gamingtimes1')";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());}} } else {echo "<center><blockquote>The limit for Join Requests has been reached for today.  If you would like to request to join try again tomorrow.</blockquote></center>";}?>

    if submiited blank it gives: Checks: ZERO Things Correct JackAss The following errors were found: Referral: Error - Cannot be left Blank (rest of code to re-submit app) i know i am missing a piece of code that solves it.

  3. <?php$TZ = getTZInfo("tz", getMemberInfo("timezone", $membername));$T = getTZInfo("tz_plusminus_hours", getMemberInfo("timezone", $membername));$DST = getMemberInfo("timezone_dst", $membername);if($DST == "On") { $D = "1"; }else { $D = ")"; }$TF = ($T+$D);if($logged_in == "1") { $displaydate1 = date("l, F j, Y - g:i A", time()+(($TF+date("I"))*3600)); $displaydate = "$displaydate1 - $TZ"; }elseif($logged_in != "1") { $displaydate1 = date("l, F j, Y - g:i A", time()+((-5+date("I"))*3600)); $displaydate = "$displaydate1 - EST"; }?>


    Thursday, December 6, 2012 - 9:19 AM - America/Los_Angeles
    ok nvm not perfectly.. time is off it is suppose to -8 and its -2 ??? and the AM / PM thing is wrong...
  4. yea when i took out the $TZ the format works. $TZ is just tell you your current time zone your proflle is set to.. so if i add it at the end of the date info it will appear as just an text output?

  5. i don't quite understand why it displays this:

    Thursday, December 6, 2012 - 3:32 PM - PM12UTCThu, 06 Dec 2012 15:32:27 +0000322012-12-06T15:32:27+00:00pm/4UTC4_20122012Thu, 06 Dec 2012 15:32:27 +0000k
    here is the basic code...
    <?php$TZ = getTZInfo("tz", getMemberInfo("timezone", $membername));$T = getTZInfo("tz_plusminus_hours", getMemberInfo("timezone", $membername));$DST = getMemberInfo("timezone_dst", $membername); if($DST == "On") { $D = "1"; }else { $D = "0"; } $TF = ($T+$D); if($logged_in == "1") { $displaydate = gmdate("l, F j, Y - g:i A - $TZ", time()+(("$TF"+date("I"))*3600)); }elseif($logged_in != "1") { $displaydate = gmdate("l, F j, Y - g:i A - e", time()+((-5+date("I"))*3600)); } ?>

  6. i created this section of code to accept a multi award system... i am trying to find a shorter way to run through the check list.

    <?phpif($submit) {/// Multiple Award Script / Function ///$ga = getHasItInfo($award, $member);$man = $medal_award_number;$ma = getMedalInfo('multi_awardable', $award);$max = getMedalInfo('max_awardable', $award);if($ma == 1 AND $man < $max) {  /// Creates a Loop to make sure the award number is correct. ///   /// Gets A checks List   $check1 = getHasItInfo($award, $member_id);    if($check1 > 0) { $tf1 == "T"; }    else { $tf1 == "F";}   $check2 = getHasItInfo($award.1, $member_id);    if($check2 > 0) { $tf2 == "T"; }    else { $tf2 == "F";}   $check3 = getHasItInfo($award.2, $member_id);    if($check3 > 0) { $tf3 == "T"; }    else { $tf3 == "F";}   $check4 = getHasItInfo($award.3, $member_id);    if($check4 > 0) { $tf4 == "T"; }    else { $tf4 == "F";}   $check5 = getHasItInfo($award.4, $member_id);    if($check5 > 0) { $tf5 == "T"; }    else { $tf5 == "F";}   $check6 = getHasItInfo($award.5, $member_id);    if($check6 > 0) { $tf6 == "T"; }    else { $tf6 == "F";}   $check7 = getHasItInfo($award.6, $member_id);    if($check7 > 0) { $tf7 == "T"; }    else { $tf7 == "F";}   $check8 = getHasItInfo($award.7, $member_id);    if($check8 > 0) { $tf8 == "T"; }    else { $tf8 == "F";}   $check9 = getHasItInfo($award.8, $member_id);    if($check9 > 0) { $tf9 == "T"; }    else { $tf9 == "F";}   $check10 = getHasItInfo($award.9, $member_id);    if($check10 > 0) { $tf10 == "T"; }    else { $tf10 == "F";}   $check11 = getHasItInfo($award.10, $member_id);    if($check11 > 0) { $tf11 == "T"; }    else { $tf11 == "F";}   $check12 = getHasItInfo($award.11, $member_id);    if($check12 > 0) { $tf12 == "T"; }    else { $tf12 == "F";}   $check13 = getHasItInfo($award.12, $member_id);    if($check13 > 0) { $tf13 == "T"; }    else { $tf13 == "F";}   $check14 = getHasItInfo($award.13, $member_id);    if($check14 > 0) { $tf14 == "T"; }    else { $tf14 == "F";}   $check15 = getHasItInfo($award.14, $member_id);    if($check15 > 0) { $tf15 == "T"; }    else { $tf15 == "F";}   $check16 = getHasItInfo($award.15, $member_id);    if($check16 > 0) { $tf16 == "T"; }    else { $tf16 == "F";}   $check17 = getHasItInfo($award.16, $member_id);    if($check17 > 0) { $tf17 == "T"; }    else { $tf17 == "F";}   $check18 = getHasItInfo($award.17, $member_id);    if($check18 > 0) { $tf18 == "T"; }    else { $tf18 == "F";}   $check19 = getHasItInfo($award.18, $member_id);    if($check19 > 0) { $tf19 == "T"; }    else { $tf19 == "F";}   $check20 = getHasItInfo($award.19, $member_id);    if($check20 > 0) { $tf20 == "T"; }    else { $tf20 == "F";}   $check21 = getHasItInfo($award.20, $member_id);    if($check21 > 0) { $tf21 == "T"; }    else { $tf21 == "F";}   $check22 = getHasItInfo($award.21, $member_id);    if($check22 > 0) { $tf22 == "T"; }    else { $tf22 == "F";}   $check23 = getHasItInfo($award.22, $member_id);    if($check23 > 0) { $tf23 == "T"; }    else { $tf23 == "F";}   $check24 = getHasItInfo($award.23, $member_id);    if($check24 > 0) { $tf24 == "T"; }    else { $tf24 == "F";}   $check25 = getHasItInfo($award.24, $member_id);    if($check25 > 0) { $tf25 == "T"; }    else { $tf25 == "F";}   $check26 = getHasItInfo($award.25, $member_id);    if($check26 > 0) { $tf26 == "T"; }    else { $tf26 == "F";}  /// Processes the Check List till the right award number is found to be awarded then ends the search..   if($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "F" AND $tf3 == "F" AND $tf4 == "F" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.1);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "F" AND $tf4 == "F" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.2);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "F" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.3);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "F" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.4);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "F" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.5);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.6);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "F" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.7);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "F" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.8);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "F" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "F" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.9;    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "F" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.10);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "F" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.11);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "F" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.12);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "F" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.13);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "F" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.14);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "F" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.15);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "F" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.16);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "F" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.17);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "F" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {    $newAward = ($award+.18);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "F" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.19);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "F" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.20);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "F" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.21);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "F" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.22);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "F" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.23);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "T" AND $tf25 == "F" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.24);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "T" AND $tf25 == "T" AND $tf26 == "F") {     $newAward = ($award+.25);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }   elseif($tf1 == "T" AND $tf2 == "T" AND $tf3 == "T" AND $tf4 == "T" AND $tf5 == "T" AND $tf6 == "T" AND $tf7 == "T" AND $tf8 == "T" AND $tf9 == "T" AND $tf10 == "T" AND $tf11 == "T" AND $tf12 == "T" AND $tf13 == "T" AND $tf14 == "T" AND $tf15 == "T" AND $tf16 == "T" AND $tf17 == "T" AND $tf18 == "T" AND $tf19 == "T" AND $tf20 == "T" AND $tf21 == "T" AND $tf22 == "T" AND $tf23 == "T" AND $tf24 == "T" AND $tf25 == "T" AND $tf26 == "T") {     $newAward = ($award+.26);    $query = "UPDATE {$dbprefix}medals_members SET medal_award_number = '-1' WHERE medal_id = '$award' AND member_id = '$member'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}medals_members (medal_id, medal_award_number, medalcat_id, member_id, dateawarded, awarder_id) VALUES ('$newAward', '1', '$awardcat', '$member', '$time', '$awarder')";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());    $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";    $result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());	 echo "	  <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>	   <p align='center'>	    SUCCESS! -- <br>	    Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award so an attachment has been added to this award!<br>	    Request for Award Was Approved and Deleted!	   </p>	  </div>	  <script type='text/javascript'>	   popupDialog('Award Request: Approved', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');	  </script>	 ";   }  }elseif($ma != 1) {  $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";  $result = mysql_query($query)    or die(mysql_error());   echo "   <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>    <p align='center'>	 ERROR - Member Already has selected Award. <br>	 Award IS NOT a Multi-Aceievable Award. <br>	 Request for Award Was Deined and Deleted!    </p>   </div>   <script type='text/javascript'>    popupDialog('Award Request: Error', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');   </script>   ";}elseif($ma == 1 AND $man >= $max) {  $query = "DELETE FROM {$dbprefix}medals_request WHERE id = '$reqid'";  $result = mysql_query($query)   or die(mysql_error());    echo "   <div style='display: none' id='successBox'>    <p align='center'>	 ERROR - Member Already has selected Award.<br>	 Award IS a Multi-Aceievable Award, but the member has the Maximum Amount allowed.<br>	 Request for Award Was Deined and Deleted!    </p>   </div>   <script type='text/javascript'>    popupDialog('Award Request: Error', 'console.php?pid=$pid&p=ManageAll', 'successBox');   </script>   ";}}?>

  7. Site Name: LadyWildLIfe Endangered WildlifeSite Description: Endangered wildlife siteSite Owner/Developer: LadyWildLife / Nuker_Viper (me)Site address: http://www.ladywildlife.comExtra comments: Site was all html made about 15 years ago and is undergoing a massive update. I was hired to bring up to code. Using PHP, MySQL, java, etc (the works) i am upgrading it. NOTE that it is still work is still a works in Progress.The left side nav will be all PHP, MySQL database; while the right side will be PHP, will html include files. When finished the site owner and build and maintain the entire site through the console system and admin control panels.

  8. you didn't have to guess, the information was right here
    sometimes you need someone on the outside to see the Obvious because you look too long at it.PLUS i had added the "pjpeg" after i posted this and it was the "pjpg" that i was missing.
  9. Try adding to the allowed extensions array "pjpg" or/and "pjpeg" as well as adding to the if statements: $_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg". Just wondering, are you using internet explorer to run the above? If so, what version?
    IE9. also tried it in firefox. going to add the above corrections and let you know. Update: It works one of those two must of been it. i think it was the "pjpg". i added the other one already. Thanks.
  10. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this file that keeps saying that this file is invalid. it seems certain jpg files are invalid while others are not. yet they all meet the guidelines establish. ERROR:Upload: americanrobinbird.jpgType: image/pjpegSize: 12.8095703125 KbStored in: /chroot/tmp/phpfryeow Invalid file Invalid file Upload.php file

    <?php$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}pages ORDER BY hn ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$options .= "<option value='$pn'>$hn</option>";}$query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}leftnav ORDER BY name ASC";$result = mysql_query($query)	 or die(mysql_error());while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){extract($row);$folderoptions .= "<option value='$link'>$name</option>";}echo "<form action='upload_file.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'> <label for='file'>Filename:</label> <input type='file' name='file' id='file' /><br /> <label for='file'>File Belonges To:</label> <select name='powner' class='form' />$options</select><br /> <label for='file'>File Folder:</label> <select name='folder' class='form' />$folderoptions</select><br /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' /> </form>";?> 

    Upload php file:

    <?php include("config.php");include("themes/$theme/header.php");?><?php if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)   {   echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";   } else   {   echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";   echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";   echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";   echo "Stored in: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];   } ?> <?php $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"); $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"])); if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/png") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpg")) && ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 20000) && in_array($extension, $allowedExts))   {   if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)	 {	 echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";	 }   else	 {	 echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";	 echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";	 echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";	 echo "Stored in: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];	 }   } else   {   echo "Invalid file";   } ?> <?php $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"); $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"])); if ((($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/png") || ($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "image/jpg")) && ($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 20000) && in_array($extension, $allowedExts))   {   if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)	 {	 echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";	 }   else	 {	 echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";	 echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";	 echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";	 echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] . "<br />";    if (file_exists("$folder/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]))	   {	   echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";	   }	 else	   {   $name = $_FILES["file"]["name"];   $newname = "$folder/$name";    $query = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}pictures (plocation, powner) VALUES ('$newname', '$powner')";  $result = mysql_query($query)  or die(mysql_error());  	   move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],	   "$folder/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);	   echo "Stored in: " . "$folder/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];       echo "<script language=\"Javascript\">alert(\"Success!\");window.location.href = 'index.php?p=Upload';</script>";	   }	 }   } else   {   echo "Invalid file";   } ?>  <?php include("themes/$theme/footer.php");?>


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