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Posts posted by fogofogo

  1. Hello folks.I have a question about using php to select a file according to date. I am working on a project that uses xml to display horoscopes on a website. The xml feeds are ftp'd onto our server and have a different file name depending on the date. Unfortunetly this is the only way the xml is available.The filenaming is:Feed_name_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_$storyid.xmlFor example:TMG_Horoscopes_Daily_Virgo_media_20060216100017_985313.xmlI'll be using php to do this, and as I'm fairly new to it, I'm not sure where to go from here. Does anyone have any advice, scripts or tutorials that might be able to help me?Thanks guys,John

  2. Hello folks, I'm not sure if this is in the write place - so I apologise if it is not.I've been asked to integrates some xml into a php page. The xml file is dropped into a folder on our webserver on a daily basis and is given a new name. ( for example TMG_Horoscopes_Daily_Virgo_media_20060213100013985277_.xml area in bold is the part that changes). My problem is, I'm not sure how to go check for the most recently added file and make sure its the correct on (ie virgo). Anyone have an similar problems and could offer some advice, or know of any script that could help?Thanks!J

  3. The error says you haven't written the session_start() at the VERY beginning of your document. There must be absolutely NO Html before, even no space. So check if it does not begin with <?php, and correct it :)If the opening PHP tag of the section in which the session is started sents HTML, this is also not allowed. session_start should be the very much first command in PHP, that way you can't make any mistake :)Note: you can recognise this very common error by headers already sent by somewhere in the message :(

    nice one man - all fixed! :D
  4. Hello All,I have a page that passes a session variable to another page which is then used in an if/else statement. For some reason itsa giving me error messages, and I'm not sure whats up with it.Heres the page that creates the variable

    <?phpsession_start(); // start session$_SESSION['name'] = 'sport';?>

    and heres the page with the if else statment :

    <?phpsession_start();$_SESSION['name'];//$name = 'Jester';if ( $name == 'sport' ) { ?><table>stuff in here</table><? } else { ?><table>stuff in here</table><? } ?>
    and finally - here are the error messages that I am getting :
    Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at c:\wamp\www\work\hebbingo\site\test.php:11) in c:\wamp\www\work\hebbingo\site\test.php on line 13Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at c:\wamp\www\work\hebbingo\site\test.php:11) in c:\wamp\www\work\hebbingo\site\test.php on line 13
    As you've guessed, I'm pretty new to this so I have probably missed something basic - any ideas?CheersFogo
  5. problem solved :) If anyone is interested, here is the solution:

    Dim XMLDomDim ItemIDDim DbConnDim SQLStringDim ANArticleNodeDim ANArticleNode2Dim CollectionOfArticleNodesDim CollectionOfArticleNodes2Dim cstSet XMLDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0")XMLDom.async = FalseXMLDom.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", TrueSet DbConn = Createobject("adodb.connection")DbConn.open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=test1.mdb"'-- Load the XML data from your live URLXMLDom.Load("http://feeds.directnews.org.uk/?ad96035d-f9fe-4a3f-a5b2-ad546b2ed850") '-- Create a reference to a collection of all Article Tags within the downloaded XML DocumentSet CollectionOfArticleNodes = XMLDom.SelectNodes("InfoStreamResults/Article")'-- Iterate the collection of Article Tags For Each ANArticleNode in CollectionOfArticleNodes 	'-- Now create a reference to the category tag	Set CollectionOfArticleNodes2 = ANArticleNode.SelectNodes("Categories/Category")	'-- And iterate through the nodes to test for a match	For Each ANArticleNode2 in CollectionOfArticleNodes2  ItemID = ANArticleNode2.SelectSingleNode("@ID").text  if ItemID = "430009735" then 	 '-- Retrieve the value of the heading node from the current article 	 Heading = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Heading").text	 	 '-- Insert the item into the local database 	 SQLString = "INSERT INTO test (Heading) " _ 	 & "VALUES('" & EncodeIt(Heading) & "');"  	 DbConn.Execute(SQLString)	  end if	Next '-- check the next category IDNext '-- move to the next article'-- Handles quotations in textFunction EncodeIt(TextString)	TextString = Replace(CStr(TextString), "''", "'")	TextString = Replace(TextString, "'", "''")	EncodeIt = TextStringEnd Function%>

  6. Hello All,I have a question regarding searching and selecting certain elements in an XML document using asp. The xml script basically consist of news headings, contents, date, and category elements that tell what the news is related to and where it should be displayed and stored. For example Finance catagory stories will be stored in a different database to the business one.

    <Article Created="16:01:59" ID="15105602">  	<Heading>Equitable drops claim against former directors</Heading>   	<Date>02/12/2005</Date>   <Contents>  	<news story goes in here>   	</Contents>  <Categories>    <Category ID="430009725">Finance</Category>   	<Category ID="430009734">Economy</Category>   	<Category ID="430009735">Business</Category>     <Category ID="438000159">Insurance</Category>   </Categories></Article>

    So basically I need a script that can check the XML for certain stories and store them in a database. I already have the script (see below) that takes ALL the news stories from the XML file and puts them in a database. So how can I get the script to check if a story is, say a Finance story and continue to store it in a database? Would I use an if else statment? if so, where should I put it?

    Dim XMLDomDim ItemIDDim DbConnDim SQLStringDim ANArticleNodeDim CollectionOfArticleNodesDim cstSet XMLDom = CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0")XMLDom.async = FalseXMLDom.setProperty "ServerHTTPRequest", TrueSet DbConn = Createobject("adodb.connection")'DbConn.open "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=pokernewsxml; OPTION=3"DbConn.open "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & _         "Server=;" & _         "Database=johnfog_xml;" & _         "Uid=johnfog_xml;" & _         "Pwd=wordword;"'-- Load the XML data from your live URLXMLDom.Load("http://feeds.directnews.org.uk/?ad96035d-f9fe-4a3f-a5b2-ad546b2ed850") '-- Create a reference to a collection of all Article Tags within the downloaded XML DocumentSet CollectionOfArticleNodes = XMLDom.SelectNodes("InfoStreamResults/Article")'-- Iterate the collection of Article Tags For Each ANArticleNode in CollectionOfArticleNodes 	ItemID = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("@ID").text	Heading = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Heading").text		Contents = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Contents").text	sDate = ANArticleNode.SelectSingleNode("Date").text	'-- Delete the item from the local database if it exists	SQLString = "DELETE FROM DeHavillandNews WHERE trim(ItemID)='" & trim(ItemID) & "';"    DbConn.Execute(SQLString)		'-- Insert the item into the local database	SQLString = "INSERT INTO DeHavillandNews (ItemID,Heading,Contents,strDate) " _    & "VALUES('" & ItemID & "','" & EncodeIt(Heading) & "','" & EncodeIt(Contents) & "', '" & sDate & "');" 	DbConn.Execute(SQLString)		Next'-- Handles quotations in textFunction EncodeIt(TextString)	TextString = Replace(CStr(TextString), "''", "'")	TextString = Replace(TextString, "'", "''")	EncodeIt = TextStringEnd Function

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am seriously stuck with this one.Thanks folksJ(changed display to code box to save room - skemcin)

  7. Hello folks,I have an xml feed which is formated in an .xsl document and then it is displayed with a asp page.I'm trying to display the top 10 results from the feed but I'm unsure how to do this. I tried putting a loop in the asp file but it didn't work for me. So I'm guessing the loop was to be placed in the xsl document? Anyone know what the code would be or where I find further information about it? here is my .xsl code :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" standalone="yes" ?><xsl:stylesheet xmlns sl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"><xsl:output method="html" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="no"/> <xsl:template match="InfoStreamResults"><xsl:apply-templates select="Article"/></xsl:template><xsl:template match="Article"><A><xsl:attribute name="HREF">ItemPage.asp?ItemID=<xsl:value-of select="@ID"/></xsl:attribute><B><xsl:value-of select="Heading"/></B></A><br/> </xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>

    Apologies for the basic question, I'm fairly new to XML.ThanksFogo

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