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Posts posted by bigjim

  1. You are using fgets with a filename. fgets uses a file handle resource from fopen, not a filename. If you are using PHP greater then 4.3, then you can use file_get_contents to get the entire contents of a file in a string, and you can use the filename with that:http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.phpThat would return the entire contents in a string. If you want to split that up into lines, then use the explode function and split it on \n. The result will be an array of the lines in the file.
    Thanks for the info. Already turned in the assignment using the system grep function but will try this when I get the time.
  2. I am a student in a Linux class. I need to be able to search for lines within a file for certain text. The script I have written runs but delivers an empty array. I know the /etc/crontab file has the word "test" but I can't seem to get this to work properly. This is not my finished work, I just need to get the preg_grep function working before I can go any further.SCRIPT#! /usr/bin/php<?php fwrite(STDOUT, "Enter the name of the file you wish to open \n");$file = array(trim(fgets(STDIN)));$grepfile = preg_grep ( "/test/" , $file );print_r($grepfile);?>OUTPUTbigjim3@bigjim3-desktop:~$ ./assign4.phpEnter the name of the file you wish to open /etc/crontabArray()bigjim3@bigjim3-desktop:~$ Thoughts, Suggestions, Hints?TIA

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